Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2019/2020
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Sociology of Social Innovation (2018/2019)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning outcomes
• advanced theoretical and technical-methodological knowledge, with particular regard to the analysis and under-standing of the social, welfare and health institutions
• multidisciplinary knowledge aimed at critical analysis of specific social problems
• multidisciplinary knowledge aimed at reflecting on the dynamics in which the service is located
ability to interpret the different situations of hardship and to promote the well-being of the community;
reading and decision-making skills inherent to the problems of integration between social and health services;
mastery in the use of data collection and information tools.
The course aims to provide the conceptual elements necessary to develop an adequate sociological interpretation of emerging social dynamics (such as migratory processes and the emergence of Third sector organizations as actors in the integrated social work system). Students will develop skills of decision making concerning the issues of social inte-gration between different social groups and between social and health services, public and Third sector. The module “Sociology of the Third sector” will offer insights into the role that the Third sector can play in the context of the wel-fare state crisis. The “Multiculturalism and recognition theories” module aims to transmit the knowledge for a critical analysis of migration and of the claim of cultural identities to highlight elements of similarity and differences with re-spect to the struggles for recognition. The “Social network analysis and intervention” module presents concepts and tools for the analysis of social networks in their structural and symbolic dimensions. The conceptual elements intro-duced by the course will allow to realize innovative social intervention projects based on the network intervention, the design of Third sector services.
In order to achieve the learning outcomes, the unit syllabus will be structured as follows: 1. What is a social network and how it can be identified. 2. The properties of the relationships. 3. The properties of the nodes. 4. The properties of the networks. 5. Different ways of observing networks. 6. Some examples of researches conducted through the social network analysis. 7. The methodology of the network intervention. The program will be analytically presented during the frontal lectures and laboratory activities. All the topics in the syllabus can be found in the reference books.
Program: The module is divided into two types of teaching: lectures and in-depth laboratories. In the context of the lectures (8 hours), the fundamental concepts, and related empirical repercussions, will be presented to introduce the new paradigm of the egalitarian difference. In particular, the following themes will be introduced: 1. the role of culture in the formation of individual and group identities: culture as a 'social fact' (holistic perspective) and culture as a social construction (the individualistic perspective); 2. struggles for recognition: redistribution and recognition. Two ways to tackle the problem of social inequality; 3. multiculturalism and multi-ethnicity: the regulation of inter-ethnic and multicultural coexistence; 4. Rights and human self-determination in a global world: citizenship as a social practice. Within the laboratory activities (16 hours) each student, starting from the concepts introduced in the lectures, will have to develop a work aimed at developing the ability to translate the concept, in its complexity, into social indicators. In empirically detectable dimensions. Before the workshop activities, the teacher will make available the work material. In view of the teaching type, frequency module is mandatory.
The module will address the following topics: • Review of the main theories of Third sector • The relational specificity of Third sector • Third sector and innovation in social policies • Third sector in Italy: laws, culture and practices Teaching methods: • Lectures on theoretical contents • Presentation of significant experience of Third sector organizations • Group work for the analysis of laws concerning the sector and public social services outsourcing
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Vargiu A: | Il nodo mancante. Guida pratica all'analisi delle reti per l'operatore sociale | FrancoAngeli | 2001 | ||
Fazzi L. | Il servizio sociale nel terzo settore | Maggioli Editore | 2016 | 8891615510 | |
Seyla Benhabib | La rivendicazione dell'identità culturale | Il Mulino | 2005 | ||
Stanzani Sandro | La specificità relazionale del terzo settore (Edizione 2) | FrancoAngeli | 1999 | ||
Nancy Frazer, Axell Honneth | Redistribuzione o riconoscimento? | Meltemi | 2007 | ||
Andrea Vargiu | Il nodo mancante. Guida pratica all'analisi delle reti per l'operatore sociale (Edizione 1) | FrancoAngeli | 2001 | 9788846431288 | Tutto il testo. / All. |
Daniela Campana | Metodologia dell'intervento di rete nell'ambito dei servizi sociali e sanitari, in «Studi di Sociologia», 42, 4, pp. 479-501. | 2004 | Articolo su rivista. / Journal article. | ||
Axell Honneth | Lotta per il riconoscimento. Proposte per un'etica del conflitto | Saggiatore | 2002 | ||
Jurgen Habermas, Charles Taylor | Lotte per il riconoscimento | Feltrinelli | 2007 | ||
Vincenzo Cesareo | Società multietniche e multiculturalismi | Vita e Pensiero | 2000 |
Examination Methods
Objectives of the assessment tests:
The assessment tests are aimed at verifying 1) the acquisition of the theoretical contents proposed by the program of the single modules and 2) the ability to decline these contents in the analysis of social policies, social services and social network intervention.
Assessment methods:
The individual modules can provide in-progress assessment tests.
However, a final assessment test, common to all modules, will be held in oral form.