Training and Research
PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2020/2021
Academic writing in latex and academic presentation
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Advanced English for Academic Skills
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Agenda dell’organizzazione delle nazioni unite 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile, ricerca e diritto antidiscriminatorio: strumenti ed esperienze nelle università
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity e diritto
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Luca Zarri, Simone Quercia, Maria Vittoria Levati
Comunicare la scienza: il ruolo dei ricercatori e il rapporto tra esperti, cittadini e istituzioni
Credits: 0,5
Language: Italian
Corporate Governance
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Alessandro Lai
Corso di inglese B1/certificazione B1
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Corso di inglese B2/certificazione B2
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Corso di inglese C1/certificazione C1
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Corso di lingua italiana per stranieri
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Corso di programmazione con matlab
Credits: 2
Language: Italian
Medical statistics with R
Credits: 3
Language: Italian
Basic statistics course
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Intermediate statistics course
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
(Meta-analysis using the statistical software Stata and R
Credits: 1,5
Language: Italian
Corso teorico-pratico di microscopia di base
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Development economics
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Federico Perali
Diritto d'autore e brevetti
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Dissemination dei risultati della ricerca
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Econometrics for management
Credits: 7,5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Diego Lubian, Francesca Rossi, Alessandro Bucciol
Economia dei Mercati Energetici
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Luigi Grossi
English for academic presentations
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
English for academic writing
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Cecilia Mancini
Game Theory
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Francesco De Sinopoli
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Francesco Andreoli, Claudio Zoli
Introduzione al “public speaking”
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
La mia archeologia e la mia politica culturale
Credits: 0,5
Language: Italian
Python programming language
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Macro economics
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Michele Imbruno, Alessia Campolmi
Credits: 7,5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Letizia Pellegrini, Alberto Peretti
Microeconomics 1
Credits: 10,5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Tamara Fioroni, Claudio Zoli, Martina Menon
Organization Theory
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Cecilia Rossignoli
Political economy
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Emanuele Bracco, Roberto Ricciuti, Marcella Veronesi
Presentation of Horizon Europe framework programme
Credits: 1
Language: English
Credits: 7,5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Marco Minozzo
Project writing for beginners
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Qualitative methodologies in management studies
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Cecilia Rossignoli, Riccardo Stacchezzini
Quantitative methodologies in management studies
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Riccardo Scarpa, Diego Begalli
Seminario Consigliera di fiducia
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Software R
Credits: 2,5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Flavio Santi
Spin off e start-up innovative
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Credits: 7,5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Catia Scricciolo
Supply Chain Management
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Barbara Gaudenzi
Protecting psychological well-being in the PhD program: development and enhancement of personal strategies and attitudes that predispose to professional satisfaction and ethical collaboration.
Credits: 1
Language: Italian
Corporate Governance (2020/2021)
Class attendance
Free Choice
Learning outcomes
The course aims at developing Ph.D. students’ knowledge about the theoretical framework of Corporate Governance (CG), making them understanding how and from where the problem of governance arises in states, public and private entities.
The solution to this problem should promote transparent and efficient markets, be consistent with the rule of law and clearly articulate the division of responsibilities among different supervisory, regulatory and enforcement authorities.
Focussing on a corporate level, lectures will show how firms are controlled, who actually exercise this control, the way to reduce and manage corporate risk through effective internal control systems, and mechanisms driving the distribution of the created value among shareholders.
The historical evolution of theories regarding CG and different related topics are both considered, to get tools useful to carry on (or to understand) CG research, and to better understand and use related methodologies. Some CG papers regarding CG will examined in a critical way.
The course will provide the students the opportunity to (a) understand and debate the current and up-to-date scientific research on CG through the analysis of some of the CG papers presented in recent international conferences; (b) listen to current researches developed by scholars belonging to our university; (c) discuss some recent papers dealing with CG topics with an active contribution by the PhD Students themselves.
1° Basic issues of Corporate Governance
• The CG in the post-modern forms of economic and political organizations: the governance of state, public entities and corporates
• The international debate about CG
• Differences between governance and management
• Different forms of corporate control
2° The theoretical framework of CG
• From the agency cost theory to the stakeholder theory
• The institutional theories of the firm
• Firm paradigms in economics and management theory • The Italian perspectives of CG
• International research mainstreams in CG
3° Financial markets, institutional investors and corporate governance: the international context
• Anglo-American forms of control and related capitalism
• German and Japanese form of control and related capitalism
• The “Latin” and Italian path towards capitalism
• The SMEs (Small Medium Enterprises) in the Italian market
• The division of responsibilities among different supervisory, regulatory and enforcement authorities
4° Key issues in CG
• The structure of CG regulation: the body of principles acting worldwide and
in single countries
• Interaction among boards, committees and statutory auditors in different kinds of governance structures
• The role and composition of the board of directors • The role and composition of the auditory systems
• The remuneration of directors and senior executives
5° The internal control system
•Identifying, measuring, managing and monitoring corporate risks
•Different models of internal control systems
•The compliance risks
•The risk management function
•The system of internal audit
6° The CG in SMEs
• International research about SMEs
• The family business
• The relationship between family and corporate level
• The succession problems in SMEs and family business
• Information quality in SMEs and family business
7° CG and value creation
• Accountability in CG systems
• Compliance, knowledge and performance in an integrated CG View
• Relationship among CG, corporate information and value production for stakeholders
8° Doing research in Corporate Governance
• CG and quantitative research
• CG and qualitative research
• Accounting and Governance research
• Accounting history and Governance research
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Alessandro Lai, Giulia Leoni, Riccardo Stacchezzini | Accounting and governance in diverse settings - an introduction (Edizione 24) | Sage: rivista Accounting History 24(3), pp. 325-337 | 2019 | ||
Comitato per la Corporate Governance | Codice di Corporate Governance | | 2020 | ||
Alessandro Zattoni | Corporate Governance | Egea | 2015 | 9788823822016 | |
Alessandro Lai (a cura di) | Il contributo del sistema di prevenzione e gestione dei rischi alla generazione del valore d'impresa | Franco Angeli | 2013 | 9788820490034 | |
Patrizia Riva | Ruoli di Corporate Governance. Aspetti organizzativi e DNF | Egea | 2020 | 9788823837607 |
Examination Methods
The evaluation of Ph.D. students is based:
• 40% on classroom presentation and discussion of papers;
• 60% on a paper to be written by each student at the end of the course.
PhD school courses/classes - 2020/2021
PhD School training offer to be defined
PhD students