Training and Research

PhD Programme Courses/classes

Academic writing in latex and academic presentation

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Advanced English for Academic Skills

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Agenda dell’organizzazione delle nazioni unite 2030 sullo sviluppo sostenibile, ricerca e diritto antidiscriminatorio: strumenti ed esperienze nelle università

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity e diritto

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Luca Zarri, Simone Quercia, Maria Vittoria Levati

Comunicare la scienza: il ruolo dei ricercatori e il rapporto tra esperti, cittadini e istituzioni

Credits: 0.5

Language: Italian

Corporate Governance

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Alessandro Lai

Corso di inglese B1/certificazione B1

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Corso di inglese B2/certificazione B2

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Corso di inglese C1/certificazione C1

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Corso di lingua italiana per stranieri

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Corso di programmazione con matlab

Credits: 2

Language: Italian

Medical statistics with R

Credits: 3

Language: Italian

Basic statistics course

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Intermediate statistics course

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

(Meta-analysis using the statistical software Stata and R

Credits: 1.5

Language: Italian

Corso teorico-pratico di microscopia di base

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Development economics

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Federico Perali

Diritto d'autore e brevetti

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Dissemination dei risultati della ricerca

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Econometrics for management

Credits: 7.5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Diego Lubian, Francesca Rossi, Alessandro Bucciol

Economia dei Mercati Energetici

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Luigi Grossi

English for academic presentations

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

English for academic writing

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian


Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Cecilia Mancini

Game Theory

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Francesco De Sinopoli


Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Francesco Andreoli, Claudio Zoli

Introduzione al “public speaking”

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

La mia archeologia e la mia politica culturale

Credits: 0.5

Language: Italian

Python programming language

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Macro economics

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Michele Imbruno, Alessia Campolmi


Credits: 7.5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Letizia Pellegrini, Alberto Peretti

Microeconomics 1

Credits: 10.5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Tamara Fioroni, Claudio Zoli, Martina Menon

Organization Theory

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Cecilia Rossignoli

Political economy

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Emanuele Bracco, Roberto Ricciuti, Marcella Veronesi

Presentation of Horizon Europe framework programme

Credits: 1

Language: English


Credits: 7.5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Marco Minozzo

Project writing for beginners

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Qualitative methodologies in management studies

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Cecilia Rossignoli, Riccardo Stacchezzini

Quantitative methodologies in management studies

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Riccardo Scarpa, Diego Begalli

Seminario Consigliera di fiducia

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Software R

Credits: 2.5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Flavio Santi

Spin off e start-up innovative

Credits: 1

Language: Italian


Credits: 7.5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Catia Scricciolo

Supply Chain Management

Credits: 5

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Barbara Gaudenzi

Protecting psychological well-being in the PhD program: development and enhancement of personal strategies and attitudes that predispose to professional satisfaction and ethical collaboration.

Credits: 1

Language: Italian





Class attendance

Free Choice



Learning outcomes

The goal of this course is to provide the main knowledge about SCM, logistics and resilient supply chain.
The interface between strategic management and logistics is recognized as a priority for management in organization, and both practitioners and academics are analyzing when and how the management of the supply chain as a whole can represent a way for achieving the competitive advantage.
The scope of this Ph.D.’s course is therefore to describe definitions, strategic/operational objectives and characteristics of Logistics and SCM, and then to provide a theoretical framework of their integration. Lecturers aim also at describing the historical evolution of managerial approaches, in order to deeply understand strategic priorities and business techniques.
Lecturers will also describe how to conduct qualitative and quantitative research in SCM.
The application of different frameworks will be analyzed through industry examples with case studies.
The Ph.D.’s course has therefore the following objectives:
• to offer an opportunity for students to develop a richer understanding of these topics;
• to expose students to research policies, techniques, and approaches in logistics and SCM;
• to build a level of professionalism and awareness of issues, challenges, and opportunities in the global business community;
• to provide Ph.D. students with recent relevant publications.


The goal of this course is to provide the main knowledge about SCM, logistics and resilient supply chain.
The interface between strategic management and logistics is recognized as a priority for management in organization, and both practitioners and academics are analyzing when and how the management of the supply chain as a whole can represent a way for achieving the competitive advantage.
The scope of this Ph.D.’s course is therefore to describe definitions, strategic/operational objectives and characteristics of Logistics and SCM, and then to provide a theoretical framework of their integration. Lecturers aim also at describing the historical evolution of managerial approaches, in order to deeply understand strategic priorities and business techniques.
Lecturers will also describe how to conduct qualitative and quantitative research in SCM.
The application of different frameworks will be analyzed through industry examples with case studies.
The Ph.D.’s course has therefore the following objectives:
• to offer an opportunity for students to develop a richer understanding of these topics;
• to expose students to research policies, techniques, and approaches in logistics and SCM;
• to build a level of professionalism and awareness of issues, challenges, and opportunities in the global business community;
• to provide Ph.D. students with recent relevant publications.

Examination Methods

The evaluation of Ph.D. students is based on 2 assignments:
on classroom presentation and discussion of papers (30%)
Each student will be required to present in ‘live’ (Zoom) and discuss one article assigned by the teacher (10 minutes). Students are required to highlight the main links with the theoretical concepts of the course. The article presentation will help students to familiarize with theories and methodological issues (i.e. qualitative and quantitative research methods) in supply chain theory.
on a literature review to be written by each student at the end of the course (70%)
Each student will be required to write and present in ‘live’ (Zoom) a literature review related to a specific topic covered in the course. The literature review should be 4-5 pages long, and should be structured as a literature review for an academic paper, that has to be 1) theoretically grounded, 2) methodologically rigorous, 3) managerially relevant, and 4) written in a clear, concise, and compelling style.

The deadline submission and the presentations will be scheduled in a date to be defined.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE