How to enrol
How to enroll
- Type of Access
The Study Course in Promotion and Management of Territorial Heritage and Tourist Destinations
provides for a procedure for assessing the required requirements. In fact, to enroll in the Degree Program it is necessary to possess specific curricular requirements and adequate personal preparation, failing which it is not possible to proceed with enrollment.
Read the admission requirements - Admitted to PA project 110 cum laude
- The course adheres to the PA 110 cum laude project. For more info on the requirements and facilities available see the service page.
- Taxes and Facilitation
1° Installment: 352 euro
2° e 3° Installment: Variable
To calculate the second and third instalments, please see the student Fees Guide at University contributions.
Tax simulator: The simulator allows the calculation of university fees and contributions based on the ISEEU/ISEE equalized for the academic year 2022/2023 end no credentials are required for its use.
The result of the simulator is absolutely indicative and unofficial.
Tax simulator
How to enroll
Students intending to apply for a Master’s degree programme must register for the Eligibility Check (i.e. check of entry requirements) on ESSE3 from 10 July 2024 to 15 October 2024.
It is also possible to register for the Eligibility Check after this deadline (in any case no later than 13 November 2024) and, in the event of a positive outcome, to enrol in the degree programme, subject to a late fee of €20, no later than 16 December 2024.
Step 1 - Register for the Eligibility Check
1. Log into ESSE3.
2. Submit your documents for the Eligibility Check for Master’s degrees: submit the required documents (self-certification with a list of the exams you have completed and corresponding marks and SSD – Scientific Disciplinary Sectors, or areas, and language certificate if needed) on ESSE3. Deadline for submitting your documents for Eligibility Check: 13 November 2024.
3. Check the results on ESSE3. Once you have submitted your documents, these will be checked by the relevant Teaching and Student Services Unit, and your status will appear as one of the following:
- PROVA DA EFFETTUARE (Eligibility Check still to be carried out) - this will be displayed as soon as you have correctly submitted your application. Please note that you are not required to take any action at this stage.
- IN VALUTAZIONE (In progress) - this means that the Check is currently in progress and being carried out by the relevant Teaching and Student Services Unit.
Please note: your status will continue to appear as ‘In progress’ in the following cases: a) if you need to attend an interview: applicants will be asked to attend an interview if: 1) they have not yet completed their Bachelor’s at the time of applying; 2) their Bachelor’s degree class is not among those recognised for exemption (see section ‘Modalità e date di verifica’); 3)if the dissertation mark is below 95/110.; b) if some requirements are missing (e.g. exams that have not yet been recorded, missing language certificates or SSD, etc.). The relevant Teaching and Student Services Unit will contact you by e-mail if needed.
- "RESPINTO" (Rejected) - this means that you do not meet the entry requirements, and you will not be able to enrol.
- "ESONERATO" (Exempt, or passed) - this means that your entry requirements have been judged as valid. In this case, you can enrol in your chosen degree programme on ESSE3.
Please note that you may be contacted by email by the relevant Teaching and Student Services Unit if you submitted your application despite not having already gained your degree: in this case, you will be ‘conditionally enrolled’, and your enrolment will be conditional on you obtaining the required degree by the deadlines set.
Step 2 – Enrol
4. Register on ESSE3 by the deadline set out in the Academic Calendar. To complete your enrolment, you will need to scan and upload a passport photo that complies with the requirements set out in: ‘How to add your photo’.
5. From the ‘payment’ dashboard on ESSE3 make the payment of the first instalment of your student fees via PagoPA, by the deadline set out in the Call for applications.
6. Wait for confirmation email. Please note: you will not receive the confirmation email immediately, since the Enrolment Office will need to process and check your documents and qualifications before confirming your enrolment.
Enrolment conditional on the student obtaining the Bachelor’s degree
Students who are about to complete their Bachelor’s degree and graduate can enrol in the academic year 2024/2025 and pay the first instalment of their Master’s tuition fees (NOT their Bachelor’s tuition fees) by the deadline set out in the Academic Calendar, provided they obtain their Bachelor’s degree by 31 december 2024.
- students who are about to complete their Bachelor’s degree at the University of Verona and ‘conditionally enrolled’ in this Master’s degree programme, will be automatically confirmed as enrolled students as soon as they graduate;
- students who graduate at another University must necessarily inform the University via help-desk, by 31 december 2024, that they have obtained their Bachelor’s degree.
Non-EU students residing in non-EU countries
Non-EU students residing abroad must follow the instructions published on the page dedicated to international students: International students.
HELP center iscrizioni
Il numero unico immatricolazioni, attivo nel periodo estivo, rappresenta un riferimento univoco riguardo alle iscrizioni ai corsi, alle scadenze da rispettare e alle procedure da seguire. Un team di studentesse e studenti tutor specializzati è a disposizione per rispondere alle domande delle future matricole.
CONTATTAFAQ - domande sull'iscrizione
Consulta le domande ricorrenti per trovare una risposta ai tuoi dubbi sulle procedure di immatricolazione e le modalit� d'accesso ai vari corsi di primo e secondo livello, ad accesso libero e programmato, dell'Universit� di Verona.
LEGGITitle required for matriculation
Laurea triennale, oppure Laurea specialistica o Magistrale, oppure Laurea vecchio ordinamento (ex DM 509/1999 e ex D 270/2004), oppure un titolo di studio estero, riconosciuto come equipollente.
Admission requirements
È necessario possedere degli specifici requisiti curriculari e un’adeguata preparazione personale.
Il candidato in difetto dei requisiti indicati non potrà procedere con l'iscrizione.
Curricular requirements
Per l'ammissione al corso di laurea magistrale i candidati dovranno aver conseguito una delle seguenti lauree:
- L-15 Scienze del turismo (ex DM 270/2004) oppure 39 - Scienze del turismo (ex DM 509/99);
- Laurea nelle seguenti classi: Beni Culturali, Lettere, Filosofia (L1-L5-L10);
oppure aver acquisito 60 CFU nei seguenti settori scientifico disciplinari (riconoscibili sino ad un massimo di 12 CFU per SSD):
- 1 AGR/01 Economia ed estimo rurale
- 2 AGR/15 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari
- 3 CHIM/12 Chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali
- 4 ICAR/06 Topografia e cartografia
- 5 ICAR/15 Architettura del paesaggio
- 6 INF/01Informatica
- 7 IUS/01 Diritto privato
- 8/9 IUS/13 Diritto internazionale; IUS/14 Diritto dell'Unione europea
- 10 L-ANT/01 Preistoria e protostoria
- 11 L-ANT/02 Storia greca
- 12 L-ANT/03 Storia Romana
- 13 L-ANT/06 Etruscologia e antichità italiche
- 14 L-ANT/07 Archeologia classica
- 15 L-ANT/08 Archeologia cristiana e medioevale
- 16 L-ANT/09 Topografia antica
- 17 L-ART/01 Storia dell'arte medievale
- 18 L-ART/02 Storia dell'arte moderna
- 19 L-ART/03 Storia dell'arte contemporanea
- 20 L-ART/04 Museologia e critica artistica e del restauro
- 21 L-ART/05 Discipline dello spettacolo
- 22 L-ART/06 Cinema, fotografia e televisione
- 23 M-DEA/01 Discipline demoetnoantropologiche
- 24 M-GGR/01 Geografia
- 25 M-GGR/02 Geografia economico-politica
- 26 M-PSI/01 Psicologia
- 27 M-PSI/05 Psicologia sociale
- 28 M-STO/01 Storia medievale
- 29 M-STO/02 Storia moderna
- 30 M-STO/04 Storia contemporanea
- 31 M-STO/05 Storia della scienza e delle tecniche
- 32 M-STO/06 Storia delle religioni
- 33 M-STO/08 Archivistica, bibliografia e biblioteconomia
- 34 SECS-P/07 Economia Aziendale
- 35 SECS-P/08 Economia e gestione delle imprese
- 36 SECS-P/10 Organizzazione Aziendale
- 37 SECS-P/12 Storia economica
- 38 SECS-S/03 Statistica economica
- 39 SECS-S/04 Demografia
- 40 SECS-S/05 Statistica sociale
- 41 SPS/07 Sociologia generale
- 42 SPS/08 Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi
- 43 SPS/09 Sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro
- 44 SPS/10 Sociologia dell'ambiente e del territorio
Methods and dates of verification
Previa il possesso dei requisiti curriculari, l'adeguatezza della preparazione è sottoposta alla verifica di una commissione costituita da docenti del Collegio Didattico del Corso mediante un colloquio orale.
Il colloquio non è previsto per i candidati e le candidate che abbiano conseguito una valutazione di tesi di laurea uguale o superiore a 95/110.
Data verifica della preparazione iniziale (colloquio):
1° appello: 16 settembre 2024, ore 9.30, studio proff. Bullado e Saggioro
2° appello: 7 ottobre 2024, ore 9.30, studio proff. Bullado e Saggioro
3° appello: 18 novembre 2024, ore 9.30, studio proff. Bullado e Saggioro