Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2012/2013
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2013/2014
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Business management (2011/2012)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- Business management of the course Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business (Vicenza)
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Second semester dal Feb 27, 2012 al May 25, 2012.
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge in the field of business management and decision-making process.
The module involves a range of teaching strategies including lectures, case studies and guest lectures. Additional material will be in the form of web-based reading and research, selected texts, journal articles and contemporary magazine and press articles. Independent research and study will be encouraged throughout to complement group work activities.
Examination Methods
1 hour written examination made up of open questions to test basic knowledge. If passed, oral examination to test critical analysis skills will take place.
Teaching materials e documents
00 - EGI 11/12 - Parole inglesi (pdf, it, 94 KB, 7/13/12)
0 - Materiali studio frequentanti EGI VI 11/12 (pdf, it, 73 KB, 5/23/12)
Cari imprenditori italiani - F. Rampini (pdf, it, 571 KB, 4/19/12)
CCE - Esercizi da svolgere in aula (analisi degli investimenti) (pdf, it, 40 KB, 5/4/12)
CCE - Esercizi da svolgere in aula (confronto operativo) (pdf, it, 50 KB, 5/4/12)
CCE - Griglia di riferimento per le scelte di make or buy (pdf, it, 25 KB, 5/4/12)
CCE - Tavole di attualizzazione (pdf, it, 34 KB, 5/4/12)
CREAT. - Creatività Nick Cave (pdf, it, 10 KB, 5/4/12)
CREAT. - Creativity in teams - McKinsey (pdf, it, 1683 KB, 5/4/12)
CREAT. - Ricetta Creatività (pdf, it, 1242 KB, 5/4/12)
D - Ferrari Spumante (pdf, it, 324 KB, 4/3/12)
D - Nati con la camicia - P. Seabright (msword, it, 33 KB, 5/18/12)
Figli dell'Occidente - G. Visetti (pdf, it, 598 KB, 4/19/12)
How Habits Work - Change This (pdf, it, 332 KB, 4/3/12)
IMP.-AMB. - Analisi SWOT Minacce (pdf, it, 200 KB, 5/4/12)
IMP.-AMB. - Analisi SWOT Opportunità (pdf, it, 248 KB, 5/4/12)
Information Overload - McKinsey (pdf, it, 255 KB, 2/27/12)
Joyless Economy 1 (pdf, it, 1124 KB, 3/23/12)
Joyless Economy 2 (pdf, it, 58 KB, 3/23/12)
Joyless Economy 3 (pdf, it, 168 KB, 3/23/12)
ORG. - Candor, criticism, teamwork - HBR 2012 (pdf, it, 163 KB, 5/4/12)
ORG. - Happiness Advantage - Change This (pdf, it, 168 KB, 5/4/12)
ORG. - Positive intelligence - HBR 2012 (pdf, it, 426 KB, 5/4/12)
ORG. - Tanto lavoro x nulla - M. Buchanan (pdf, it, 176 KB, 5/4/12)
PROC. DEC. - Critical Thinking for Managers - Change This (pdf, it, 653 KB, 5/4/12)
PROC. DEC. - Miti decisionali - M. Pilati (pdf, it, 324 KB, 5/9/12)
PROC. DEC. - Una saggia decisione - Internazionale (pdf, it, 6912 KB, 5/4/12)
Siti di interesse 28-3-12 (msword, it, 87 KB, 3/28/12)
STRAT. - Angelo Inglese - La Repubblica 2012 (pdf, it, 169 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Behavioral Strategy - McKinsey (pdf, it, 869 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Benetton - Corriere 2012 (pdf, it, 1718 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Da commodity a brand (pdf, it, 379 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Far parlare il prodotto - Economia & Management (pdf, it, 203 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Great by Choice (pdf, it, 248 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Hermes - Corriere 2012 (pdf, it, 654 KB, 5/4/12)
STRAT. - Lago - Corriere 2011 (pdf, it, 1495 KB, 5/4/12)
SUB. VAL. - Business of Business - McKinsey (pdf, it, 274 KB, 5/4/12)
SUB. VAL. - Escape Short Term Trap - McKinsey (pdf, it, 87 KB, 5/4/12)
SUB. VAL. - Long Term Capitalism - McKinsey (pdf, it, 321 KB, 5/4/12)
SUB. VAL. - Value from Corporate Values - Aspen Institute (pdf, it, 640 KB, 5/4/12)
The Good Company - HBR (html, it, 43 KB, 3/23/12)
Viva il presente - S. Pinker (pdf, it, 1332 KB, 3/23/12)