Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Type D and Type F activities
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
3° | The fashion lab (1 ECTS) | D |
Maria Caterina Baruffi
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
3° | Python programming language | D |
Maurizio Boscaini
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
3° | CyberPhysical Laboratory | D |
Andrea Calanca
3° | C++ Programming Language | D |
Federico Busato
3° | LaTeX Language | D |
Enrico Gregorio
3° | Matlab-Simulink programming | D |
Bogdan Mihai Maris
years | Modules | TAF | Teacher |
3° | Corso Europrogettazione | D | Not yet assigned |
3° | The course provides an introduction to blockchain technology. It focuses on the technology behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tendermint and Hotmoka. | D |
Matteo Cristani
Molecular Biology (2019/2020)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
II semestre dal Mar 2, 2020 al Jun 12, 2020.
Learning outcomes
The aim of this course is to provide a detailed description at the molecular level of the main issues regarding the mechanisms involved in transmission, variation and expression of the information con-tained in the genome of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The main topics of the course will focus on a detailed description of the processes of gene transcription and translation and those related to DNA replication and mutagenesis.
The students will acquire knowledge of the fundamental structures of biological systems in a molecu-lar and cellular perspective and of the mechanisms inherent to the transmission, manipulation and expression of the information contained in the genome of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
The students will be able to understand the genetic bases of life and to apply the acquired knowledge to use and possibly develop bioinformatics tools for the investigation of structure-function relationships of biological macromolecules and the regulation of their functions. They will be able to read and un-derstand advanced biology textsbooks and undertake a master-level course in both biotechnology and bioinformatics.
DNA: Structure and Conformations
Genomic and mitochondrial DNA
Chromatin and chromosomes
DNA replication
DNA repair mechanisms
Genes and Genetic Code
RNA: structure and conformations
RNA transcription and maturation
Regulation of gene expression in procariotes
Regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes
Protein: translation and related regulations
Post-translational protein changes and regulations
Role of epigenetics in biomedicine
Methylation mechanisms and microRNAs
Molecular biology techniques
Gene therapy
Model organisms for the study of molecular biology
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Michael Cox | Biologia Molecolare | Zanichelli | 2013 | ||
Amaldi, Benedetti, Pesole, Plevani | Biologia Molecolare (Edizione 3) | Ambrosiana | 2018 | 978-88-08-18518-1 |
Examination Methods
The exam consists of multiple-choice test.