Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Teaching code



Fabio Sartori





Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



II SEMESTRE dal Mar 4, 2019 al May 31, 2019.

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to examine the main ways of conducting sports activity in non-profit organizations.
The expected learning outcomes are:

1) Understand how an organization's information system works
2) Examine the management and its internal organizational components
3) Interpret a budget, learning how to build specific performance indicators
4) Know the main tax concepts necessary for the organization

1) Appreciate the "value" generated by the organization
2) Monitor the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of management.
3) Identify any pathological aspects of a company in crisis.


The following topics will be addressed within the course:
1. Economic activity in sport.
2. The non-profit company: distinctive traits and possible types of the "non-business" company.
3. Organization and management of the company:
a. Internal organization;
b. Management cycles.
4. The information system.
5. The budget
a. The representation of the balance sheet data
b. Financial and economic reporting
c. Evaluation of company action
d. Overview of the pathological aspects of a company in crisis

Examination Methods

The examination is both written and oral and is in Italian; It’s possible to take the oral examination only if the evaluation of written exam is sufficient (≥ 18/30).

---- purpose of examination ----

The written exam aims to test student’s knowing about syllabus arguments and capability to apply accounting methods.

The oral colloquium aims to test:
- the strenght of student’s knowledge;
- lexical properties;
- student’s ability to connect single notions to knowledge system;
- analytical skills.

---- contents of examination ----

The written exam concerns practical exercises and questions about arguments whom treated during the lessons.
Each exercise is evaluated with a single score; the written exam is considered “sufficient” and allows the admission to colloquium if each evaluation is ≥ 18/30.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE