Master - 2023/2024

Professional Master's programme in Hands-on surgical approaches to the anterolateral skull base, reconstruction, and indications (2° Livello)

This course offering is designed as part of a continuing professional development program in which the achievement of theoretical knowledge and practical skills is certified. A unique feature of the course is the opportunity for continuity of learning on a human cadaver head per participant for the entire duration of the course. Exercises will be guided by faculty from a multidisciplinary team of specialists (neurosurgeons, maxillo-facials, ENTs and ophtalmologists). Course content will be covered in activities divided into three courses. We are starting the Third Edition with a well known Faculty and a tested programm. Antonio D'Agostino
Course director

Duration : years 1  (marzo 2024 - dicembre 2024)
CFU : 61
Class attendance requirements : obbligatoria 75%
Location: verona
Language : English
Mode of teaching : Blended mode
Type of Access : admission test, limited-entry degree

How to apply

Admission requirements :

Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia.

Evaluation criteria for admission :

Qualora le domande fossero superiori al numero massimo dei posti disponibili, l’ammissione al Master avverrà secondo una graduatoria elaborata dal Comitato Scientifico, sulla base dei curricula presentati secondo la seguente ripartizione:
− voto di laurea e di specializzazione (se conseguita) (10 punti);
− esperienze formative o eventuali lavori scientifici pubblicati o aspetti motivazionali aggiuntivi espressi dal partecipante sul topic del Master (10 punti).

Benefit and incentives

A series of benefits and incentives are made available to students enrolling at the University in the academic year 2023/2024. To find out more, see the relevant Call for applications, and the relevant web page section.

How to Apply
Available positions :

Minimo 8
Massimo 12
Uditori no

Tuition fee: 4,016€ Taxes and Contributions
Application deadline: January 31, 2024

Study plan

Discover all the learning activities available to you during your time at the University in the academic year 2023/2024.

Credits 16.0
Approcci subfrontali mediani
Credits 16.0
Approcci transcranici: pterionale e derivati
Credits 8.0
Dissezione guidata alla base cranica antero-laterale inclusa l'orbita
Credits 20.0
Laboratori ed esercitazioni
Credits 1.0
Prova finale