Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2021/2022
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2022/2023
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1 module to be chosen between the following
1 module to be chosen between the following
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1 module to be chosen between the following
1 module to be chosen between the following
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Organization Design and People Management (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Academic staff
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
secondo semestre (lauree) dal Feb 21, 2022 al Jun 1, 2022.
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide students with knowledge about the basic elements and fundamental institutions to understand how the organization works. To this end, the conceptual and operational tools are provided to read and design the organizational structures, and people management systems within organizations. The course also aims to develop the skills of reading and interpreting the different phenomena of the organizational culture of the company. At the end of the lessons, the student must be able to understand the basic concepts of business organization, to know the main categories of organizations as well as to understand the dynamics that govern the organizations themselves. It will also be able to understand how to structure the human resources’ value cycle in order to support the organization’s strategies. In addition, the student will be able to recognize opportunities arising from new technologies that facilitate the development of new business models. With reference to the applied comprehension skills, the student must be able to translate the theoretical concepts presented in the classroom in situations and concrete cases of business organizations.
The course aims to provide students with knowledge about the basic elements and fundamental institutions to understand how the organization works. To this end, the conceptual and operational tools are provided to read and design the organizational structures.
The course also aims to develop the skills of reading and interpreting the different phenomena of the organizational culture of the company.
At the end of the lessons, the student must be able to understand the basic concepts of business organization, to know the main categories of organizations as well as to understand the dynamics that govern the organizations themselves. In addition, the student will be able to recognize opportunities arising from new technologies that facilitate the development of new business models. With reference to the applied comprehension skills, the student must be able to translate the theoretical concepts presented in the classroom in situations and concrete cases of business organizations. As far as the human resources management module is concerned, the program is: the human Resources Value Cycle, human resources planning, recruitment, selection, and hiring Job design, human resources assessment.
Examination Methods
The exam will be written with open-ended questions, on-site mode, one-hour duration.
Details will be communicated to students before the start of class.
Please note that the modalities of delivery of the exams could be subject to change in case of continuation of the pandemic emergency, following any measures of the Ministry of University and the University.