Studying at the University of Verona
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German language 3 (2022/2023)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- German language 3 of the course Bachelor's degree in Languages and literatures for publishing and digital media
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
II semestre (Lingue e letterature straniere) dal Feb 13, 2023 al May 27, 2023.
Learning objectives
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- apply the basic descriptive categories of phonology to the phonological system of German;
- recognize the most important phonological processes of German;
- describe the most important differences between the phonological systems of German and Italian;
- carry out a phonetic transcription of Standard German words;
- demonstrate awareness of regional variation of pronunciation;
- demonstrate to have the German language skills that correspond to the C1 level of the CEFR.
Prerequisites and basic notions
- Prerequisites for attending the course: knowledge and skills related to German linguistics acquired in previous years of university study and German language skills which are good enough for understanding lessons taught in German.
- Prerequisites for taking the exam: German-language certificate on C1 level (CEFR), issued either by the CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) or by any other authorized testing center. Students taking this exam must have completed the language and literature exams of the first and second year.
- Erasmus students may ask their questions at any time directly to the lecturer.
Introduction to the phonetics and phonology of German
This course features four thematic units. In (1) "Phonetics" the foundations of acoustic and, most of all, articulatory phonetics will be introduced, the correlations between writing and pronunciation will be discussed and phonetic transcriptions of standard German words are trained. German and Italian sound systems will be compared. (2) "Segmental phonology" illustrates basic concepts of the phonological system and focuses then on the rules which operate between the underlying structure with the phonological representations of the words and their phonetic realization on the surface structure (final devoicing, r-vocalization etc.). (3) "Prosodic phonology" is dedicated to the phonological constituents, syllable structure and stress. In (4) "Diatopic and diaphasic variation" the variation of colloquial standard German due to the origins of the speakers and the speech situation are considered.
Note: this course is taught in German.
Didactic methods
Classes with theoretical content and practical exercises. The students are invited to ask any kind of question during the office hours of the lecturer.
Learning assessment procedures
Written exam (identical for "frequentanti" e "non frequentanti"). The exam consists of a theoretical part (questions regarding basic concepts) and a practical part which comprises phonetic transcription, analysis of phonological processes and syllable structure analysis of German words, in contrast to Italian, additionally the classification and discussion of non-standard variants.
Evaluation criteria
Extent of the demonstrated skills; clarity and (terminological) accuracy of the answers.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
The final grade of the exam will be the average of the grade of the written exam and the grade obtained in the CLA C1 test. The grades of the CLA C1 test (or of another recognized language certificate) will be converted into the Italian 30-scheme according to the current conversion table.
Exam language