Training and Research
PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2022/2023
Advice to Young Economists
Credits: 4
Language: English
Teacher: Marco Piovesan
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Credits: 5
Language: Italian
Teacher: Simone Quercia, Maria Vittoria Levati, Marco Piovesan
Development Economics
Credits: 5
Language: English
Teacher: Federico Perali
Credits: 5
Language: English
Teacher: Cecilia Mancini
Game Theory
Credits: 5
Language: Inglese
Teacher: Francesco De Sinopoli
Credits: 5
Language: English
Teacher: Francesco Andreoli, Claudio Zoli
Introduction to Probability – Module II (attività formativa per la Scuola di Dottorato)
Credits: 2
Language: Italian
Teacher: Claudia Di Caterina
Introduction to Probability – Module I
Credits: 2
Language: English
Introduction to Statistical Inference
Credits: 2
Language: English
Teacher: Marco Minozzo
Macroeconomics I
Credits: 7,5
Language: English
Teacher: Tamara Fioroni, Alessia Campolmi
Credits: 7,5
Language: English
Teacher: Letizia Pellegrini, Alberto Peretti
Microeconomics 1
Credits: 10,5
Language: English
Teacher: Simona Fiore, Claudio Zoli, Martina Menon
Political economy
Credits: 5
Language: English
Teacher: Emanuele Bracco, Roberto Ricciuti
Credits: 7,5
Language: English
Teacher: Marco Minozzo
Political economy (2022/2023)
Academic staff
Class attendance
Free Choice
Learning objectives
The course aims to expose the students to some topics of current interest in political economy (i.e., state capacity, at electoral and political systems, and accountability).
Prerequisites and basic notions
Microeconomics, Game theory
Module A – 10 hours (Roberto Ricciuti)
This module introduces state capacity a topic of current research in political economy. In particular, it deals with:
1. Development clusters, 2. Fiscal capacity, 3. Legal capacity, 4. Political violence, 5. Development assistance
The main refence is Besley and Persson (2011), Pillars of Prosperity. Princeton University Press.
Module B – 10 hours (Emanuele Bracco)
This module looks at electoral and political systems, and accountability.
• Morelli, M., “Party Formation and Policy Outcomes under Different Electoral Systems,” Review of Economic Studies, 2004.
• Myerson, R., “Theoretical Comparisons of Electoral Systems: 1998 Schumpeter Lecture,” European Economic Review, 1999.
• Lizzeri, A. and N. Persico [2001], “The provision of public goods under alternative electoral incentives”, AER 91, 225-245.
• Rogoff, Kenneth. “Equilibrium Political Budget Cycles.” The American Economic Review, vol. 80, no. 1, 1990, pp. 21–36.
• Persson, Torsten, et al. “Comparative Politics and Public Finance.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 108, no. 6, 2000, pp. 1121–1161.
Didactic methods
Frontal lectures, but active engagement from the students is highly encouraged.
Learning assessment procedures
Essay: it could be either a survey of the literature (4000 words) or (preferably) an empirical application on a relevant economic issue (3000 words).
Ability to identify a viable research question. Ability to critically summarize existing literature. Ability to frame a suitable econometric methodology and to obtain empirical results.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
100% essay.
PhD school courses/classes - 2022/2023
PhD students
Guidelines for PhD students
Below you will find the files that contain the Guidelines for PhD students and rules for the acquisition of ECTS credits (in Italian: "CFU") for the Academic Year 2024/2025.
Title | Info File |
Guidelines PhD students | pdf, en, 137 KB, 11/12/24 |
Linee guida dottorandi | pdf, it, 137 KB, 11/12/24 |
Percorso formativo | pdf, it, 125 KB, 11/12/24 |
Training program | pdf, en, 124 KB, 11/12/24 |