Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Academic calendar

The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.

Academic calendar

Course calendar

The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..

Definition of lesson periods
Period From To
1° e 2° semestre (corsi annuali) PROFESSIONE SANITARIE Oct 1, 2024 Sep 30, 2025
2° SEMESTRE LM PROF. SAN. 24-25 Mar 16, 2025 Jul 31, 2025
Exam sessions
Session From To
SESSIONE INVERNALE T.ORTO Jan 7, 2025 Feb 14, 2025
SESSIONE ESTIVA T.ORTO Jul 1, 2025 Jul 31, 2025
SESSIONE AUTUNNALE T.ORTO Sep 1, 2025 Sep 30, 2025
Degree sessions
Session From To
SESSIONE AUTUNNALE T.ORTO Oct 1, 2025 Nov 28, 2025
SESSIONE PRIMAVERILE T.ORTO Mar 2, 2026 Apr 30, 2026
Period From To
Festa di Ognissanti Nov 1, 2024 Nov 1, 2024
Festa dell'Immacolata Dec 8, 2024 Dec 8, 2024
Vacanze di Natale Dec 23, 2024 Jan 6, 2025
Vacanze di Pasqua Apr 19, 2025 Apr 21, 2025
Festa della Liberazione Apr 25, 2025 Apr 25, 2025
Festa del Lavoro May 1, 2025 May 1, 2025
Festa del Santo Patrono May 21, 2025 May 21, 2025
Festa della Repubblica Jun 2, 2025 Jun 2, 2025
Vacanze estive Aug 11, 2025 Aug 17, 2025
Other Periods
Description Period From To
TIR T.ORTO 3 ANNO - 2 SEMESTRE TIR T.ORTO 3 ANNO - 2 SEMESTRE Feb 3, 2025 Aug 29, 2025
TIR T.ORTO 1 ANNO - 2 SEMESTRE TIR T.ORTO 1 ANNO - 2 SEMESTRE May 5, 2025 Sep 30, 2025
TIR T.ORTO 2 ANNO - 2 SEMESTRE TIR T.ORTO 2 ANNO - 2 SEMESTRE May 5, 2025 Sep 30, 2025

Exam calendar

To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.

Exam calendar

Should you have any doubts or questions, please check the Enrollment FAQs

Academic staff


Antelmi Elena

symbol email

Artegiani Elisa

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 7808

Benati Marco

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 812 4418 - 6698

Borzellino Giuseppe

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 812 7503

Bottani Emanuela

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 7226

Burro Roberto

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8743

Butturini Elena

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458027166

Cazzoletti Lucia

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8027656

Cecchini Maria Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 7670

Dalle Carbonare Luca Giuseppe

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 812 6062

Di Sia Paolo

symbol email

Fratta Pasini Anna Maria

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8124749

Gandolfi Marialuisa

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 812 4943

Geroin Christian

symbol email

Lorenzetto Erika

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 0458027620

Malvezzi Campeggi Flaminia

symbol email

Mansueto Giancarlo

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458124301

Marchetti Pierpaolo

symbol email symbol phone-number +039 0458027270

Mariotti Raffaella

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458027164

Pianezzi Daniela

symbol email

Picelli Alessandro

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8124573

Porru Stefano

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 812 4294

Ricci Matteo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 812 3549-3553-3575

Samaila Elena Manuela

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8127690

Sboarina Andrea

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 7528

Scapini Patrizia

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458027556

Smania Nicola

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8124573

Turco Alberto

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458027189

Viapiana Ombretta

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 812 4049

Study Plan

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.

1° Year

BIO/09 ,BIO/16 ,BIO/17
BIO/10 ,BIO/11 ,BIO/12 ,MED/07
MED/04 ,MED/09 ,MED/33
ING-INF/07 ,MAT/05 ,MED/36

3° Year  It will be activated in the A.Y. 2026/2027

MED/09 ,MED/26 ,MED/34 ,MED/50
Prova finale
BIO/09 ,BIO/16 ,BIO/17
BIO/10 ,BIO/11 ,BIO/12 ,MED/07
MED/04 ,MED/09 ,MED/33
ING-INF/07 ,MAT/05 ,MED/36
It will be activated in the A.Y. 2026/2027
MED/09 ,MED/26 ,MED/34 ,MED/50
Prova finale

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code






Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)



1° e 2° semestre (corsi annuali) PROFESSIONE SANITARIE dal Oct 1, 2024 al Sep 30, 2025.

Courses Single

Not Authorized

Learning objectives

At the end of the educational path, students have to be able to communicate with patients and professionals where necessary, to interpret and understand the content of scientific studies on specific technical topics. They also have to be able to communicate in daily tasks requiring simple information exchange on familiar topics. The course provides the acquisition of the main grammatical, lexical and syntactic functions of the English language, alongside the scientific terminology relevant to its professional practice. Critical interpretation of English articles related to the specific subject will also be given.

Prerequisites and basic notions

Before starting this course, students should have acquired fairly good competence in English level B1. We strongly suggest further practice of basic skills for those who do not have this prerequisite. Supplementary online material will be provided via website for students who have a poor background in English (lower than B1). In such cases, further tutorial support may be provided on request. Please contact your lecturer for further information.


The course aims at providing students with the necessary linguistic competences for the written and oral comprehension and production of medical and scientific texts. For this reason, the course will pay special attention to the lexical, syntactic and pragmatic dimensions of the specialized English that is employed in medical and academic fields in general.
Specifically, the course provides the necessary methodological tools to:
1. acquire the strategies, techniques and knowledge of the specificities of English for Medical Purposes and academic English at B2 level (CEFR);
2. be capable of applying the skills above to comprehend and produce texts in the field of medicine and academic language;
3. be able to communicate about general topics at a B2 level;
4. be capable of sustaining an oral debate concerning basic of medicine and scientific matters at a B2 level.
At the end of the course, students will acquire the lexical and linguistic- communicative bases (at a B2 level) that are necessary to comprehend oral and written general and academic texts related to the following topics:
“General anatomy and physiology of the human body, specific focus on the nerus system and the muscolo-skeletal system and its disorders/pathologies; definition of prosthesis , history and development, features, elements and indications. Definition of pain, residual limb and phantom limb. Defintion of posture, body movement and gait. Normal gait and prosthetic gait, international scales to assess gait. The Healthcare Team and the role of Prosthetic and Orthotic Techinician. Effective communication with the patient/patient's family; patient's records and healthcare documents, scholarly papers and research”.
They will also be capable of applying such knowledge to produce oral and written texts concerning health communication at a B2 level.
INDEPENDENT JUDGEMENT At the end of the course, students will be able to identify the most appropriate methods to analyse texts in English at a B2 level about the following areas:
"General anatomy and physiology of the human body, specific focus on the nerus system and the muscolo-skeletal system and its disorders/pathologies; definition of prosthesis , history and development, features, elements and indications. Definition of pain, residual limb and phantom limb. Defintion of posture, body movement and gait. Normal gait and prosthetic gait, international scales to assess gait. The Healthcare Team and the role of Prosthetic and Orthotic Techinician. Effective communication with the patient/patient's family; patient's records and healthcare documents, scholarly papers and research”..
COMMUNICATION SKILLS At the end of the course, students will be able to describe basic concepts in English (at a B2 level) concerning the semantic areas that have been dealt with during the course by means of written and oral texts using accurate and appropriate language.
LEARNING SKILLS At the end of the course, students will be able to apply acquired linguistic notions and learning methodologies to general and academic contexts and contents going beyond those dealt with during the course and know how to independently analyse new topics on English for medical purposes.
Revision and consolidation of selected grammar topics (intermediate/advanced level) throughout the course

Didactic methods

Lectures (45 hours), instructional videos to support the study of the monographic material and the student’s study of academic vocabulary. Lectures provide students with the necessary tools to analyse and discuss oral and written texts concerning the main areas of English for medical purposes and Academic English, as well as ones that are fundamentals for the mastery of linguistic-communicative and pragmatic-linguistic skills that are required to understand and produce texts in English at a B2 level.

Learning assessment procedures

The written exam aims at assessing students’ written comprehension/production (B2 level) through cloze tests and true/false, multiple choice and close ended questions and/or written compositions.
The texts contained in the exercises will be extracted from healthcare documentation in English (medical records, medical history forms) or transcripts of congress/seminar reports, abstracts or posters in English.
The final evaluation is based on the efficiency of the implemented methods, the completion and accuracy of the answers, and the clarity of the presentation of contents.
The final mark is expressed in PASS/FAIL.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE

Evaluation criteria

The final evaluation is based on the efficiency of the implemented methods, the completion and accuracy of the answers, and the clarity of the presentation of contents.
The final mark is expressed in PASS/FAIL.

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

The final mark is expressed in PASS/FAIL.
The minimum score to pass the exam is 18/30.

Exam language


Career prospects

Module/Programme news

News for students

There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.

Gestione carriere


Orario lezioni

La frequenza in aula delle lezioni è prevista per tutti i Corsi di Studio e per tutti i relativi anni;
• le attività pratiche si svolgono in presenza;
• è assicurata la registrazione e la pubblicazione immediata delle lezioni per un tempo limitato e comunque non inferiore a un mese, consentendo così a studentesse e studenti che non riescono a frequentare in presenza per limiti logistici e/o per il principio di turnazione sopra menzionato di fruirne.
Le studentesse e gli studenti con esigenze 2 specifiche (disabilità e DSA) che dovessero aver bisogno di maggiore tempo per la consultazione delle lezioni registrate potranno contattare l’UO Inclusione e Accessibilità per farne richiesta;
• studentesse e studenti devono obbligatoriamente prenotare il posto in aula;
• è data priorità di accesso all’aula alle seguenti categorie: o studentesse e studenti con esigenze specifiche, per facilitare l’apprendimento che potrebbe essere più difficile se impartito a distanza; o studentesse e studenti internazionali, perché vengono appositamente dall’estero per seguire i nostri corsi.


In allegato gli orari del secondo semestre


Title Info File
File pdf Primo semestre Primo anno pdf, it, 197 KB, 27/11/24
File pdf Primo semestre Secondo anno pdf, it, 258 KB, 11/12/24
File pdf Primo semestre Terzo anno pdf, it, 265 KB, 09/12/24

Tirocinio professionalizzante

Durante l'esperienza di tirocinio la supervisione dello studente è garantita da un sistema di tutorato articolato su 2 o 3 livelli e, di norma, assunto da operatori dello stesso profilo professionale degli studenti:

Tutor professionale con competenze avanzate sia pedagogiche che professionali; collabora all'organizzazione e gestione dei tirocini, alla progettazione e conduzione di laboratori di formazione professionale. Seleziona le opportunità formative, integra l'esperienza pratica con la teoria appresa, presidia in particolare le prime fasi di apprendimento di un intervento o di una competenza. Si occupa dei processi di apprendimento degli studenti in difficoltà, facilita i processi di valutazione dell'apprendimento in tirocinio e tiene i rapporti con le sedi di tirocinio. I Tutor Professionali sono scelti in accordo con le strutture sanitarie presso cui si svolge l'attività formativa e assegnati con incarichi triennali alla struttura didattica.

Guida di Tirocinio/tutor clinico è l'operatore che guida lo studente nella sede di tirocinio mentre svolge le sue normali attività lavorative. E' garante della sicurezza dello studente e degli utenti, vigila affinché gli utenti ricevano una prestazione di qualità anche quando essa venga delegata agli studenti, si assicura che gli stessi siano informati e diano il loro consenso ad essere assistiti da uno studente.
Al termine di ciascun anno di corso viene effettuata una valutazione certificativa per accertare i livelli raggiunti dallo studente nello sviluppo delle competenze professionali attese.

Per ulteriori informazioni consultare la pagina del servizo 

Student login and resources

Appelli d'esame



Title Info File
File pdf Appelli TO INVERNO.2025 pdf, it, 291 KB, 11/12/24

Modalità e sedi di frequenza

La frequenza è obbligatoria.

Maggiori dettagli in merito all'obbligo di frequenza vengono riportati nel Regolamento del corso di studio disponibile alla voce Regolamenti nel menu Il Corso. Anche se il regolamento non prevede un obbligo specifico, verifica le indicazioni previste dal singolo docente per ciascun insegnamento o per eventuali laboratori e/o tirocinio.

Non è consentita l'iscrizione a tempo parziale. Per saperne di più consulta la pagina Possibilità di iscrizione Part time.

Le sedi di svolgimento delle lezioni e degli esami sono le seguenti: