Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2021/2022
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2022/2023
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Physical sciences and statistics (2020/2021)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning outcomes
MODULO BIOINGEGNERIA ELETTRONICA learning outcomes: Provide an overview of electronic bioengineering with particular reference to biomedical applications and technologies. Provide tools for the knowledge of the main laboratory equipment and in particular the basic concepts of physical quantities and signal theory, transducers and bio-images. MODULO FISICA APPLICATA A MEDICINA E CHIRURGIA The Course is designed to provide the student the basic knowledge of physics, taking particular account of those principles and laws that will be needed to comprehend and to have a deeper understanding of biomedical problems MODULO MISURE ELETTRICHE ED ELETTRONICHE Provide an overview of the basic components and electronic circuits with particular emphasis on applications and references to the equipment used by laboratory technicians and specific emphasis on the chain of detection of physical , electrical transduction , converting them into digital signals. MODULO STATISTICA MEDICA learning outcomes: The course is aimed at introducing the basic tools for the quantitative evaluation of biomedical problems, with the goal of preparing the students to describe, interpret and communicate appropriately the information collected on a sample of patients (or on other experimental units).
Bioengineering, Biosignals and Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory Diagnostic Instrumentation Management of diagnostic equipment in the hospital. Medical informatics. Health and Hospital Information Systems Computer security and privacy in health The Laboratory Information System (LIS)
Physical quantities, Base physical quantities and derived physical quantities. Standards of lenght, mass and time. MKS and cgs systems of units. Cartesian frame of reference. Vector and scalar quantities. Components and magnitude of a vector. Addition and subtraction of vectors. The scalar and cross products of two vectors. Mechanics Displacement, Velocity, Acceleration. Average and instantaneous velocity. Particle under constant velocity. Average and instantaneous acceleration. Particle under constant acceleration. Forces . The principles of dynamics . Law of universal gravity. Weight. Definition of Work and Energy. Kinetic energy. Work-kinetic energy theorem. Conservative forces. Potential energy. Law of conservation of mechanical energy. Power. Fluids Definition of Fluid. Density. Pressure. Archimede’s principle. Variation of pressure with depth (Stevin’s Law). Pascal’s Law. Measurement of atmospheric pressure or Torricelli’s experiment. Pressure Units: atm, mmHg, Pa. Pressure measurements. Fluid dynamics. Bernoulli’s equation. Flow. Measurement of arterial blood pressure. Perfect fluid. Continuity equation for flow and its application to blood circulation. Real fluid and viscosity. Blood viscosity. Poiseuille’s Law. Physiological effects of hydrostatic pressure. Thermal phenomena and gases Temperatue, heat. Thermal expansion. Mercury thermometer. Celsius, Kelvin anf Farheneit Scale. Thermal capacity, specific heat. Mechanical equivalent of heat. Gas laws. The absolute temperature (Kelvin Scale). Avogadro’s law. Ideal gas law. Heat transport by conduction, convection and radiation. Electrical phenomena Electric charge. Coloumb’s law. Electic field, potential energy and electric potential. Electric current. Ohm’s law. Resistance and resistivity. Conductors and insulators.
INTRODUCTION The role of Statistics in Health Professions. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Different measurement scales – Statistical variables and their presentation through frequency distributions: one-entry or double-entry tables – Measures of central tendency: mean (arithmetic, geometric, weighted), median, mode, percentiles – Measures of dispersion: range, interquartile range, sum of squares, variance (mean square), standard deviation, variation coefficient PROBABILITY Classic, frequentist, subjective interpretations of probability – Sum and product rules of probability – Independent and dependent events and conditional probability.
Elements of the theory of the measures. Measurement errors. Propagation of errors. Electrical circuits and physical laws in electrical engineering. Characteristics of electrical and electronic components in general. The galvanometer. Measuring instruments and sizes typical of perfusion. Ammeters and voltmeters DC and ca. Definition and purpose of a measure. Fundamentals and derivatives. International System of Units. Fundamental units. Units and samples of the electrical measurements. Systematic errors and accidental; insensitivity instrumental errors. Classification errors. Propagation of the absolute and relative errors of two or more measured physical quantities. Ohm's law; electrical resistance and electrical resistivity. Joule effect and electric power. Equivalent resistance of electric resistors connected in series and parallel. Electromotive Force. Calculation of the current in a circuit. Kirchhoff's laws, definition of electrical network, nodes and branches. Mesh analysis for the calculation of the currents in an electrical network. Definition of electrostatic capacity of capacitors and plans. Equivalent capacitance of capacitors connected in series and in parallel. Definition of magnetic flux. Faraday's law. Electrical inductance. Measurement of voltage and current with amperometric method volts. Galvanometers; Measuring instruments and sizes typical of perfusion. Ammeters and voltmeters DC and ca. Groups and types of transducers and peculiarities of each. Practical applications of calculation of uncertainties and expression of a measurement with electronic or digital devices.
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Jekel JF, Katz DL, Elmore JG, Wild DMG | Epidemiologia, Biostatistica e Medicina Preventiva | Elsevier-Masson | 2009 | ||
Verlato G, Zanolin ME | Esercizi di Statistica Medica, Informatica ed Epidemiologia | Libreria Cortina Editrice, Verona | 2000 | ||
Lantieri PB, Risso D, Ravera G | Statistica medica per le professioni sanitarie (Edizione 2) | McGraw-Hill, Milano | 2004 | ||
Glantz SA | Statistica per Discipline Biomediche (Edizione 6) | McGraw-Hill | 2007 | 9788838639258 | |
Fowler J, Jarvis P, Chevannes M | Statistica per le Professioni Sanitarie | EdiSES srl, Napoli | 2006 | ||
Dalle lezioni | Appunti dalle lezioni | 2021 | |||
meneghini roberto | Dispense in versione pdf delle lezioni | 2020 |
Examination Methods
Written and oral exam
Written exam with 20 multiple choice exercises. About 1 hour. No books or notes. Only calculator and pen allowed.
The written examination will consists of about 15 multiple choice questions with 5-8 possible answers, and one exercise on simple data sets. Wrong answers to the written examination will be orally discussed with the student. If a new lockdown phase will be enacted, the exam modality will be modified accordingly, i.e. exams will be performed in rooms large enough to guarantee social separation, or exams will be administered using the web-platform Zoom.
Written exam with exercises and oral questions with possible interview . In case of need, the examination will be carried out in the same way but by videoconference.