Studying at the University of Verona
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Sustainable tourism Lab (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Academic staff
Also offered in courses:
- Sustainable tourism Lab of the course Master’s degree in Management and business strategy
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
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primo semestre (lauree) dal Sep 20, 2021 al Jan 14, 2022.
Learning outcomes
This Summer Lab on Turism Sustainaiblity focuses on economical, social and environmental impact of tourism, and each student have to develop a case study to show how these theretical concepts are declined in practice.
- Individual preparation on theoretical concepts, on sustainability and tourism
- Case selection (to communicate in moodle for internal coordination)
- Case analysis on materials found by the students
- Report writing (max 2 pages, following the case format provided in moodle)
- Submission in moodle
- Oral presentation.
Professors: Paola Signori and Giorgio Mion.
Deadline: the first week of September.
Examination Methods
To receive 2 cfu students have to submit a case study of 2 pages (more details in moodel) and present it to Professors. Each case study must be submitted by the first week of September, and it will be discussed soon after.