Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Aesthetics of contemporary Arts (2023/2024)
Teaching code
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
CuCi 1 A, CuCi 1 B
Courses Single
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the conceptual, methodological and cultural framework to analyze and interpret the aesthetic issues related to contemporary art world. It is about analyzing contemporary aesthetic reflection, in order to understand the theoretical issues related to the practice and interpretation of contemporary arts in a more articulated way. Specific knowledge will be transmitted (interpretative theories and artistic practices in the history of the Western aesthetic tradition) which are subsequently applied to specific problems (of perception in general and to particular art works). The multisensory, multi-modal, multimedia character of contemporary artistic production will be emphasized, en-hancing the intertwining of art forms and philosophical reflections on them. At the end of the course, the student will have developed the ability to analyze and understand the fundamental philosophical texts of contemporary aesthetics, orienting the judgment on ar-tistic production, problematizing its most relevant theoretical aspects.
Prerequisites and basic notions
Thinking the nude
The course will be divided into two main parts. A first part will be devoted to the philosophical exploration of the theme of the contemporary, mapping the problems of its conceptual and expressive articulations. The second part will be devoted to the theme of nudity, in its intertwining with some related topics: the body, the image, the veil, the act of unveiling, the idea of shame, eroticism, gesture, expression, and the search for the truth. Ample space will be given to the metaphor of the nuda veritas, in its iconographic, metaphorological and specifically philosophical implications. The course aims to investigate the question of nudity on a broad scale, interweaving themes related to aesthetics, art history, psychoanalysis, literature, ontology, and Visual Studies. The question of the veil, the metaphor of unveiling as a paradigm of the search for truth, the omnipresence of the image of nude bodies in contemporary imaginary, the history of the ideal nude up to the most recent contemporary artistic experiences will be some of the themes on which the students are called upon to measure themselves. Discussion with texts will be accompanied by analysis of contemporary artistic expressions related to the theme of nudity (Lucien Freud, Jenny Saville, Spencer Tunick, Vanessa Beecroft, Helmut Newton, Cindy Sherman, Ron Mueck among others).
G. Agamben, Nudità, Nottetempo, Milano 2009
O. Rank, La nudità, a cura di F. Marchioro, SugarCo, Varese 1994
K. Clark, Il nudo, trad. it. D. O. Caprin, Neri Pozza, Vicenza 1995
T. Ariemma, Il senso del nudo, Mimesis, Milano 2007
G. Bataille, L’erotismo, trad. it. A. Dell’Orto, SE, Milano 1991
H. Blumenberg, Paradigmi per una metaforologia, trad. it. M. V. Serra Hansberg, Cortina,
Milano 2009
F. Ferrari, J.-L. Nancy, La pelle delle immagini, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2003
G. Didi-Huberman, Aprire Venere, trad. it. S. Chiodi, SE (Abscondita), Milano 2014
J.-L. Nancy, Corpus, trad. it. A. Moscati, Cronopio, Napoli 2001
J.-L. Nancy, Il pensiero sottratto, trad. it. M. Vergani, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2003
F. Jullien, Il nudo impossibile, trad. it. M. Tommasi, Sossella, Roma 2003
M. Heidegger, Parmenide, a cura di F. Volpi, Adelphi, Milano 1999
H. Cixous, J. Derrida, Veli, trad. it. M. Fiorini, Alinea, Firenze 2004
A. Loos, Nudità, Giometti & Antonello, Macerata 2021
Didactic methods
Although the frontal lessons will play an important role, they will be enriched by the discussions generated by the collective comparison on the themes evoked. Close reading and precise analysis of the proposed philosophical texts will be encouraged. These will be multisensory experiences, aimed at expanding the students' critical, perceptive and cognitive abilities. The active participation of the students will be encouraged, in order to build an educational environment that is as seminary as possible. There are no registrations for lessons.
Learning assessment procedures
- The exam will consist of an oral interview with the teacher on the topics covered in class and on the texts in the programme. - The method of evaluation will be a vote out of thirty.
Evaluation criteria
- The exam will consist of an oral interview with the teacher on the topics covered in class and on the texts in the programme. - The method of evaluation will be a vote out of thirty.
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
- The exam will consist of an oral interview with the teacher on the topics covered in class and on the texts in the programme. - The method of evaluation will be a vote out of thirty.
Exam language