Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.

activated in the A.Y. 2010/2011
MED/25 ,MED/42 ,M-PSI/08
Prova finale

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code








The teaching is organized as follows:

Modulo di teoria




Sem. 2A, Sem. 2B



Modulo di esercitazione




Sem. 2A, Sem. 2B



Learning outcomes

Module: Modulo di teoria
The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge for understanding and use of the methodology of intervention of social service work in its historical development and in its current configuration.
It will also provide students with knowledge and tools for the acquisition of methods, techniques and tools to work with the audience in the cultural context and current institutional.
The purpose of the course and then, in addition to learning the fundamental basics of the discipline of social service professional is to make the student acquire a vocational-technical approach in using the tools (interview, home visit, professional relationship ...) as adopted in process to help people with situations of hardship and / or difficulties.

Module: Modulo di esercitazione
The course aims to provide students with basic knowledge for understanding and use of the methodology of intervention of social service work in its historical development and in its current configuration.
It will also provide students with knowledge and tools for the acquisition of methods, techniques and tools to work with the audience in the cultural context and current institutional.
The purpose of the course and then, in addition to learning the fundamental basics of the discipline of social service professional is to make the student acquire a vocational-technical approach in using the tools (interview, home visit, professional relationship ...) as adopted in process to help people with situations of hardship and / or difficulties.


Module: Modulo di teoria
- The social work assistant in the institutional framework in relation to the historic place;
- The role, functions and activities of social
- The theoretical models of social service (with particular attention to those most used in Italian)
- The methodology of the support process (analysis of the intervention's social acceptance of the application and identification of the problem, information gathering and analysis of the situation, situation assessment, drafting of the proposed intervention (contract), implementation of the project intervention, monitoring and evaluation of risultasti obtained, the action)
- Work directly with customers (the relationship of aid, interview, home visits, networking, documentation)
- The social work assistant in special situations and / or with special problems presented by the user.


- CAMPANINI A.M., L’intervento sistemico. Un modello operativo per il servizio sociale, Ed. Carocci, Roma, 2002
- FERRARIO F., Le dimensioni dell’intervento sociale, Ed. N.I.S., Roma, 1996
- LERMA M., Metodi e tecniche del processo di aiuto, Ed. Astrolabio, Roma, 1992

Other material (articles from magazines, notes) will be provided by the teacher during lessons


- BIANCHI E., DE SANDRE I. (a cura di), Solidarietà e soggetti: servizio sociale e teorie di riferimento, Ed. Zancan, Padova, 2000
- KADUSHIN A., Il colloquio nel servizio sociale, Ed. Astrolabio, Roma, 1980
- DAL PRA PONTICELLI M., Metodologia del servizio sociale, Ed. F. Angeli, Roma, 1985
- DAL PRA PONTICELII M. (a cura di), Dizionario di servizio sociale, Ed.Carocci, Roma, 2005
- DE ROBERTIS C., Metodologia dell’intervento nel lavoro sociale, Ed. Zanichelli, Roma, 1986
- FOLGHERAITER F., Teoria e metodologia del servizio sociale, F. Angeli, Milano, 1998
- FOLGHERAITER F., La logica dell’aiuto sociale, Ed. Erickson, Trento, 2007
- GOLDSTEIN G., Il modello cognitivo umanistico nel servizio sociale, Ed. Astrolabio, Roma, 1988
- GRIGOLETTI P. e NERVO G. (a cura di), La persona al centro nel servizio sociale e nella società: il contributo di Elisa Bianchi, Ed. Zancan, Padova, 2005
- GRIGOLETTI P. (a cura di), Famiglie con molti problemi: vincoli e risorse, Ed. F. Angeli, 1998
- MUCCHIELLI R., Apprendere il counseling, Ed. Erikson, Trento, 1987
- PARTON N, O’BYRNE P, Costruire soluzioni sociali, Ed. Erickson, Trento, 2005
- ZINI M.T. e MIODINI S., Il colloquio di aiuto, Ed. NIS, Roma, 1997


- DAL PRA PONTICELLI M., “Riflessioni sulle basi teoriche del servizio sociale: l’approccio cognitivo-umanistico o del problem-solving”, in La Rivista di Servizio Sociale, n.3, 1995
- HOGGETT P., “La teoria dell’agency di Giddens: quanto è utile al lavoro sociale?”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.1, aprile 2003
- HOUSTON S., “Lavoro sociale e realismo critico”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.1, aprile 2004
- PRESTON-SHOOT M., “Le cartelle sociali: analisi dei contenuti”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.2, settembre 2004
- SCHON D., IN TAYLOR C., WHITE S., “La pratica della riflessività nelle professioni di aiuto”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.3, dicembre 2004
- BARNES M., “L’etica della cura”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.1, aprile 2005
- RAINERI M.L., “Riformulazione”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.2, settembre 2005
- PARTON N., “Lavoro sociale costruttivo: pratica esatta o pratica sensata?”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.3, dicembre 2005
- KRUMER-NEVO M., “A lezione dei poveri”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.1, aprile 2006
- HARE I., “Cos’è il lavoro sociale”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.2, settembre 2006
- REAMER F.G., “La cartella mi fa scudo”, in Lavoro Sociale, n.3, dicembre 2006
- DALLA CHIARA R., “L’apporto originale dell’assistente sociale nel mare magnum del welfare mix”, in Rassegna di Servizio Sociale, n.2, aprile-giugno 2008

Module: Modulo di esercitazione
- The social work assistant in the institutional framework in relation to the historic place;
- The role, functions and activities of social
- The theoretical models of social service (with particular attention to those most used in Italian)
- The methodology of the support process (analysis of the intervention's social acceptance of the application and identification of the problem, information gathering and analysis of the situation, situation assessment, drafting of the proposed intervention (contract), implementation of the project intervention, monitoring and evaluation of risultasti obtained, the action)
- Work directly with customers (the relationship of aid, interview, home visits, networking, documentation)
- The social work assistant in special situations and / or with special problems presented by the user.

Examination Methods

Module: Modulo di teoria
Finding hearing

Module: Modulo di esercitazione
Finding hearing

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE