Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1 module between the following (a.a. 2022/23 Computational Algebra not activated; a.a. 2023/24 Homological Algebra not activated)
1 module between the following
3 modules among the following
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Numerical modelling and optimization (2022/2023)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Learning objectives
The aim of the first module is to deepen the knowledge and skills especially in the modern theory of dynamical systems and give the student a solid appreciation of the deep connections between mathematics and other scientific disciplines, both in terms of the mathematical problems that they inspire and the important role that mathematics plays in scientific research and industry. Mathematical software tools, and others, will be used to implement algorithms for the solution of the real world problems studied during the course. At the end of the course the student is expected to be able to complete professional and technical tasks of a high level in the context of mathematical modelling and computation, both working alone and in groups. In particular the student will be able to write a model of a real problem, to recognise the effective parameters and analyse the model and its possible implications. The second module wants to provide sufficient theoretical and numerical background for the optimal control of dynamical systems. Such problems will be developed by means of real application examples, and recent research studies. At the end of the course students will be able to decide which numerical method is suitable for the solution of some specific optimal control problems. He/She will be able to provide theoretical results on the controllability and stability of certain optimal control problem and numerical methods. He/She will be able to develop his/her own code, and capable choose the appropriate optimization method for each application shown during the course.
Prerequisites and basic notions
- Multivariate differential calculus, linear algebra, foundations of dynamical systems
- Basic knowledge of a scientific programming language (python / matlab / octave)
Criteria for the composition of the final grade
Artimetic average of the two parts, with the possible integration of an oral and / or project