Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

Academic calendar

The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.

Academic calendar

Course calendar

The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..

Definition of lesson periods
Period From To
CuCi 1 A Sep 25, 2023 Nov 4, 2023
CuCi 1 B Nov 13, 2023 Dec 22, 2023
CuCi 2 A Feb 19, 2024 Mar 29, 2024
CuCi 2 B Apr 9, 2024 May 31, 2024
Exam sessions
Session From To
Sessione invernale Jan 8, 2024 Feb 17, 2024
Sessione estiva Jun 3, 2024 Jul 26, 2024
Sessione autunnale Aug 26, 2024 Sep 21, 2024
Degree sessions
Session From To
Sessione straordinaria (a.a. 2022/23) Apr 2, 2024 Apr 8, 2024
Sessione estiva Jul 8, 2024 Jul 13, 2024
Sessione autunnale Nov 4, 2024 Nov 9, 2024
Period From To
Festa di Ognissanti Nov 1, 2023 Nov 1, 2023
Festa dell'Immacolata Dec 8, 2023 Dec 8, 2023
Vacanze di Natale Dec 24, 2023 Jan 7, 2024
Vacanze di Pasqua Mar 29, 2024 Apr 1, 2024
Festa della Liberazione Apr 25, 2024 Apr 25, 2024
Festa del Lavoro May 1, 2024 May 1, 2024
Festa del Santo Patrono May 21, 2024 May 21, 2024
Vacanze estive Aug 12, 2024 Aug 17, 2024

Exam calendar

Exam dates and rounds are managed by the relevant Culture and Civilisation Teaching and Student Services Unit.
To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.

Exam calendar

Should you have any doubts or questions, please check the Enrollment FAQs

Academic staff


Aloe Stefano

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8409

Bernardini Giovanni

symbol email

Bertagna Federica

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028637

Bianchi Edoardo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8108

Bigliazzi Silvia

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8477

Bognolo Anna

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8327

Bonadonna Maria Francesca

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8663

Borghetti Vincenzo

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8584

Boschiero Manuel

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8405

Brunetti Simona

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8575

Bullado Emanuela

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8028548

Buoncompagni Giacomo

symbol email

Butturini Daniele

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 8425382

Camurri Renato

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8635

Castellani Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8127

Cecconi Francesca

symbol email

Ceschi Andrea

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 802 8137

Colombo Laura Maria

symbol email symbol phone-number + 39 045802 8322

Corte Maurizio

symbol email symbol phone-number 3391188733

Delfitto Denis

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8114

Drago Nicola

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 7081

Facchinetti Roberta

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8374

Formiga Federica

symbol email symbol phone-number 045802 8123

Guaraldo Olivia

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8066

Kofler Peter Erwin

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8313

Lotti Denis

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028618

Melloni Chiara

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8119

Pasqua Michele

symbol email

Pasqualicchio Nicola

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028585

Poggi Davide

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8361

Possenti Ilaria

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8687

Rabanus Stefan

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8490

Rech Giovanna

symbol email

Romanzi Valentina

symbol email

Rossato Chiara

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8620

Salvade' Anna Maria

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045 8028110

Sandrini Giuseppe

symbol email symbol phone-number 045 802 8069

Sartor Elisa

symbol email symbol phone-number +39 045802 8598

Savi Paola

symbol email symbol phone-number +390458028243

Scandola Alberto

symbol email

Zamperini Alessandra

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028685

Zangrandi Alessandra

symbol email symbol phone-number 0458028115

Zilotti Elena

symbol email

Study Plan

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.

Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°
Further activities
Between the years: 1°- 2°

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations


Teaching code





Federica Bertagna



Courses Single


The teaching is organized as follows:

Learning objectives

History and sociology of journalism and editorial processes (m) The course aims to offer students specific knowledge of the history of journalism, the mechanisms of formation and orientation of public opinion, as well as the fundamental tools to analyze the role of journalism and publishing in contemporary society. At the end of the course the student will have acquired: ‑‑ the tools to analyze and decode, in a historical perspective, the journalistic devices of formation and orientation of public opinion; ‑- knowledge on the functioning of the journalistic world; ‑‑ knowledge about the organization of a newspaper; ‑- sociological skills in the field of book publishing and its changes brought about by the digital age; - tools to stay in a learning dynamic that allows you to continue your update in the field over time. MM HISTORY OF JOURNALISM The course aims to offer students specific knowledge of the history of journalism and the role and impact this has on society. At the end of the course the student will have acquired the tools to analyze and decode, in a historical perspective, the journalistic mechanisms of formation and orientation of public opinion. MM SOCIOLOGY OF THE BOOK AND THE JOURNALISTIC CHRONICLE The course aims to provide students with the fundamental tools to analyze the role of journalism in contemporary society (with particular attention to journalistic reporting) and publishing. At the end of the course the student will have acquired the conceptual, methodological and cultural bases necessary to analyze and interpret the journalistic universe, from the organization of a newspaper to the different types of journalism; will also have acquired sociological skills related to the world of book publishing and its changes determined by the digital age.

Prerequisites and basic notions

Prerequisites: good command of the Italian language; knowledge of the fundamental features of modern and contemporary history


Visualizza la bibliografia con Leganto, strumento che il Sistema Bibliotecario mette a disposizione per recuperare i testi in programma d'esame in modo semplice e innovativo.

Criteria for the composition of the final grade

Each answer will be evaluated with a minimum score of 0 points and a maximum score of 10 points. Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (DSA), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must contact the teacher at least 3 days in advance of the date of the session

Type D and Type F activities

Scopri i percorsi formativi promossi dal  Teaching and learning centre dell'Ateneo, destinati agli studenti iscritti ai corsi di laurea, volti alla promozione delle competenze trasversali:
Il Contamination Lab Verona (CLab Verona) è un percorso esperienziale con moduli dedicati all'innovazione e alla cultura d'impresa che offre la possibilità di lavorare in team con studenti e studentesse di tutti i corsi di studio per risolvere sfide lanciate da aziende ed enti. Il percorso permette di ricevere 6 CFU in ambito D o F. Scopri le sfide:
ATTENZIONE: Per essere ammessi a sostenere una qualsiasi attività didattica, incluse quelle a scelta, è necessario essere iscritti all'anno di corso in cui essa viene offerta. Si raccomanda, pertanto, ai laureandi delle sessioni di dicembre e aprile di NON svolgere attività extracurriculari del nuovo anno accademico, cui loro non risultano iscritti, essendo tali sessioni di laurea con validità riferita all'anno accademico precedente. Quindi, per attività svolte in un anno accademico cui non si è iscritti, non si potrà dar luogo a riconoscimento di CFU.

CuCi 1 A From 9/25/23 To 11/4/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Series of conferences Don Nicola Mazza University College F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Laboratory of radio languages F Simona Brunetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° Worlds of Fashion: Themes and Actors F Alessandra Zamperini (Coordinator)
1° 2° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
CuCi 1 B From 11/13/23 To 12/22/23
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° Art, memory and terrorism: the duty to protect our cultural heritage F Olivia Guaraldo (Coordinator)
1° 2° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Series of conferences Don Nicola Mazza University College F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Series of lectures: Maria Callas: musica, media, moda, arte F Vincenzo Borghetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° The worlds of Italo Calvino F Giuseppe Sandrini (Coordinator)
1° 2° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Laboratory of radio languages F Simona Brunetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° Worlds of Fashion: Themes and Actors F Alessandra Zamperini (Coordinator)
1° 2° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
CuCi 2 A From 2/19/24 To 3/29/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Cities and Freedom F Olivia Guaraldo (Coordinator)
1° 2° Festival of journalism F Simona Brunetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° Day of remembrance and Day of memory F Renato Camurri (Coordinator)
1° 2° Gli animali nella/della fantascienza. rappresentazioni ed espressioni del non-umano nella narrativa speculativa F Valentina Romanzi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Gnoseology and Metaphysics Workshop F Davide Poggi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Workshop on transmedia storytelling F Elena Zilotti (Coordinator)
1° 2° Recording the theatrical ephemeral F Simona Brunetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° TAUV. Garden of Printing Press F Anna Bognolo (Coordinator)
1° 2° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
CuCi 2 B From 4/9/24 To 5/31/24
years Modules TAF Teacher
Two lectures by the President of the “Accademia della Crusca”, Prof. Paolo D'Achille F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
Veronetta F Simona Brunetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° FAI Activities F Edoardo Bianchi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Conference Inner Islands. For a storytelling of loneliness in Italian Literature F Anna Maria Salvade' (Coordinator)
1° 2° Festival teatrale “festivabilia” il teatro delle attività F Not yet assigned
1° 2° Day of remembrance and Day of memory F Renato Camurri (Coordinator)
1° 2° Gnoseology and Metaphysics Workshop F Davide Poggi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Intercomprehension laboratory between the Romance languages F Alessandra Zangrandi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Social theater workshop organized by the Compagnia Teatro Babilonia F Nicola Pasqualicchio (Coordinator)
1° 2° Workshop on transmedia storytelling F Elena Zilotti (Coordinator)
1° 2° Preparation and participation in the Youth Jury of the Totola Prize F Nicola Pasqualicchio (Coordinator)
1° 2° Recording the theatrical ephemeral F Simona Brunetti (Coordinator)
1° 2° TAUV. Garden of Printing Press F Anna Bognolo (Coordinator)
1° 2° University and DSA - Methods and strategies for tackling study and university studies F Chiara Melloni (Coordinator)
1° 2° Verso le elezioni europee 2024 F Ilaria Possenti (Coordinator)
List of courses with unassigned period
years Modules TAF Teacher
1° 2° International Conference “Rudolf Nureyev and Literature: Dance, Choreography, and Reception” F Laura Maria Colombo (Coordinator)
1° 2° News articles from Veronetta Contemporanea Festival 2024 F Nicola Pasqualicchio (Coordinator)
1° 2° Identity, power, and gender through clothing F Alessandra Zamperini (Coordinator)
1° 2° OMI 2024 - jury F Not yet assigned
1° 2° “SaM – Shakespeare and the Mediterranean – The Twin and the Mirror: The Comedy of Errors and Twelfth Night” Summer School F Silvia Bigliazzi (Coordinator)
1° 2° Verona in Storia Cycle of public lectures F Giovanni Bernardini (Coordinator)

Career prospects

Module/Programme news

News for students

There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.


List of thesis proposals

theses proposals Research area
Laureandi Editoria e Giornalismo: vademecum Various topics

Gestione carriere

Linguistic training CLA

Student mentoring

Student login and resources

Modalità e sedi di frequenza

La frequenza non è obbligatoria.

Maggiori dettagli in merito all'obbligo di frequenza vengono riportati nel Regolamento del corso di studio disponibile alla voce Regolamenti nel menu Il Corso. Anche se il regolamento non prevede un obbligo specifico, verifica le indicazioni previste dal singolo docente per ciascun insegnamento o per eventuali laboratori e/o tirocinio.

È consentita l'iscrizione a tempo parziale. Per saperne di più consulta la pagina Possibilità di iscrizione Part time.

Le sedi di svolgimento delle lezioni e degli esami sono le seguenti: