Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Academic calendar
The academic calendar shows the deadlines and scheduled events that are relevant to students, teaching and technical-administrative staff of the University. Public holidays and University closures are also indicated. The academic year normally begins on 1 October each year and ends on 30 September of the following year.
Course calendar
The Academic Calendar sets out the degree programme lecture and exam timetables, as well as the relevant university closure dates..
Period | From | To |
Annuale (Lingue e letterature straniere) | Sep 28, 2020 | May 29, 2021 |
I semestre (Lingue e letterature straniere) | Sep 28, 2020 | Jan 9, 2021 |
II semestre (Lingue e letterature straniere) | Feb 15, 2021 | May 29, 2021 |
Session | From | To |
ESAMI LINGUE - sessione invernale | Jan 11, 2021 | Feb 13, 2021 |
ESAMI LINGUE - sessione estiva | May 31, 2021 | Jul 24, 2021 |
ESAMI LINGUE - sessione autunnale | Aug 30, 2021 | Sep 25, 2021 |
Session | From | To |
LAUREE LINGUE - sessione autunnale (a.a. 2019/20) | Nov 2, 2020 | Nov 7, 2020 |
LAUREE LINGUE - sessione straordinaria (a.a. 2019/20) | Apr 7, 2021 | Apr 13, 2021 |
LAUREE LINGUE - sessione estiva (a.a. 2020/21) | Jul 5, 2021 | Jul 10, 2021 |
Period | From | To |
Festa di Ognissanti | Nov 1, 2020 | Nov 1, 2020 |
Festa dell'Immacolata | Dec 8, 2020 | Dec 8, 2020 |
Festa della liberazione | Apr 25, 2021 | Apr 25, 2021 |
Festa del lavoro | May 1, 2021 | May 1, 2021 |
Festa del Santo Patrono | May 21, 2021 | May 21, 2021 |
Festa della Repubblica | Jun 2, 2021 | Jun 2, 2021 |
Exam calendar
Exam dates and rounds are managed by the relevant Foreign Languages and Literatures Teaching and Student Services Unit.
To view all the exam sessions available, please use the Exam dashboard on ESSE3.
If you forgot your login details or have problems logging in, please contact the relevant IT HelpDesk, or check the login details recovery web page.
Academic staff
Morbiato Giacomo
giacomo.morbiato@univr.itStudy Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
German literature and culture 1
German literature and culture 1
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2021/2022
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Anglophone literatures and cultures
English literature and culture 2
French literature and culture 2
German literature and culture 2
Spanish literature and culture 2
Anglophone literatures and cultures
English literature and culture 2
French literature and culture 2
German literature and culture 2
Spanish literature and culture 2
Italian literature and culture
Geography of communication and international trade
Modern and Contemporary Economic History
Theory and Techniques of communication
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2022/2023
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Comparative and European Public law
Principles of international marketing
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
German literature and culture 1
German literature and culture 1
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Anglophone literatures and cultures
English literature and culture 2
French literature and culture 2
German literature and culture 2
Spanish literature and culture 2
Anglophone literatures and cultures
English literature and culture 2
French literature and culture 2
German literature and culture 2
Spanish literature and culture 2
Italian literature and culture
Geography of communication and international trade
Modern and Contemporary Economic History
Theory and Techniques of communication
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Comparative and European Public law
Principles of international marketing
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
Spanish American language, literature and culture (2021/2022)
Teaching code
Also offered in courses:
- Spanish American language, literature and culture - Parte 1 of the course Bachelor's degree in Foreign Languages and Literatures
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
The teaching is organized as follows:
Parte 2
Parte 1
Learning outcomes
The main educational objective of the course within the Bachelor’s Degree in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Commerce is the acquisition by the student of an appropriate knowledge of the Spanish-American cultures, with particular attention to the literary, historical and geographic-anthropological dimensions. The expected learning outcomes are as follows: - Knowledge and understanding: solid preparation on the culture of geographical areas and periods in program, as well as on historical and anthropological fields; - “Applied” knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire the methodologies required to understand, in an historical and comparative perspective, complex texts of a certain length and implicit meanings; - Autonomy of judgment: the student must know how to collect and interpret cultural, historical, geographical and anthropological data useful to orally argue and write relevant texts in the chosen address; - Communication skills: at the end of the course the student must have acquired the ability to express and argue about the teaching contents both in written and oral form in Spanish; - Learning skills: students must have developed sufficient self-learning skills to take a conscious approach to the world of work or to the continuation of their studies.
MM: Parte 1
1) The Hispano-American colonial era: cultural aspects and literary manifestations: Discovery and Conquest. The chronicle. The indigenous and mestizo discourse. American Baroque: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora 2) Towards the national independences: between Romanticism and Neoclassicism: two authors: Andrés Bello and José María Heredía. The generation of "proscritos" in Argentina: Echeverría and Sarmiento 3) Hispano-American Modernism: themes, main problems, protagonists 4) The Mexican Revolution: historical introduction and literary manifestations 5) Regionalism, realism and naturalism: the new American novel 6) The Hispano-American avant-gardes through four voices: Huidobro, Neruda, Vallejo and Girondo. 7) The neo-avant-garde: Cortázar, Paz, Lezama Lima 8) The Hispano-American «Boom»: García Márquez, Vargas Llosa, Carlos Fuentes
MM: Parte 2
Indigenous cultures and modern imaginaries . A journey on the twentieth-century Hispano-American novel 1) The pre-Hispanic indigenous cultures 2) The colonial encounter: imaginaries and writings 3) Looks on the Other: the twentieth-century Hispano-American novel 4) Rationalism and magic in Miguel Ángel Asturias' Maladrón 5) Paths of identity in Los ríos profundos by José María Arguedas 6) Becoming the Other: El entenado by Juan José Saer 7) Blanqueamientos and transculturations: El hablador by Mario Vargas Llosa Culturas indígenas e imaginarios modernos: una mirada a la novela hispanoamericana del siglo XX 1) Las culturas indígenas prehispanicas 2) El encuentro colonial: imaginarios y escrituras 3) Miradas hacie el Otro: la novela hispanoamericana del siglo XX 4) Racionalismo y magia en Maladrón de Miguel Ángel Asturias 5) Recorridos de la identidad en Los ríos profundos de José María Arguedas 6) Volverse el Otro: el entenado de Juan José Saer 7) Blanqueamientos y transculturaciones: El hablador de Mario Vargas Llosa
Examination Methods
MM: Parte 1
Written exam. Passing the exam is a prerequisite for taking the oral exam in Part 2. Examen escrito. Aprobar el examen es un requisito previo para tomar el examen oral en la Parte 2.
MM: Parte 2
Oral exam in spanish. Examen oral en español.
Type D and Type F activities
To discover all the teaching activities accredited by the foreign teaching college click here
Career prospects
Module/Programme news
News for students
There you will find information, resources and services useful during your time at the University (Student’s exam record, your study plan on ESSE3, Distance Learning courses, university email account, office forms, administrative procedures, etc.). You can log into MyUnivr with your GIA login details: only in this way will you be able to receive notification of all the notices from your teachers and your secretariat via email and also via the Univr app.
Gestione carriere
Student login and resources
Modalità e sedi di frequenza
La frequenza non è obbligatoria.
Maggiori dettagli in merito all'obbligo di frequenza vengono riportati nel Regolamento del corso di studio disponibile alla voce Regolamenti nel menu Il Corso. Anche se il regolamento non prevede un obbligo specifico, verifica le indicazioni previste dal singolo docente per ciascun insegnamento o per eventuali laboratori e/o tirocinio.
È consentita l'iscrizione a tempo parziale. Per saperne di più consulta la pagina Possibilità di iscrizione Part time.
Le sedi di svolgimento delle lezioni e degli esami sono le seguenti:
- Polo Zanotto (vicino si trovano anche il Palazzo di Lettere e di Lingue)
- Polo Santa Marta
Assegnazione tutore
Attività accreditate D/F
Calendario didattico dettagliato
Cambio lingua curriculare
Competenze informatiche
Competenze linguistiche (prima e seconda lingua)
Competenze linguistiche in triennale (terza lingua CFU F)
Compilazione del piano didattico
Corso di Lingua portoghese
Erasmus+ e altre esperienze all'estero
Linguistic training CLA
Presentazione dei corsi di studio e Open day
Saperi minimi
Stage e tirocini
Nel piano didattico della laurea triennale in Lingue per il turismo e il commercio internazionale (L12) è previsto un periodo di stage obbligatorio (CFU 6) in organizzazioni imprenditoriali.
Le attività di stage sono finalizzate a far acquisire allo studente una conoscenza diretta in settori di particolare interesse per l’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro e per l’acquisizione di abilità professionali specifiche.
Le attività di stage sono svolte sotto la diretta responsabilità di un singolo docente presso studi professionali, enti della pubblica amministrazione, aziende accreditate dall’Ateneo veronese.
I crediti maturati in seguito ad attività di stage saranno attribuiti secondo quanto disposto nel dettaglio dal “Regolamento d’Ateneo per il riconoscimento dei crediti maturati negli stage universitari” vigente.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per futuri studenti sono disponibili alla pagina Stage e tirocini.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per studenti iscritti sono pubblicate in MyUnivr - come fare per - stage e tirocini.
- Tutte le informazioni in merito agli stage per le aziende sono disponili alla pagina Stage e tirocini per azienze.
Ulteriori informazioni al seguente link