Studying at the University of Verona
Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.
Study Plan
The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.
1° Year
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
1st foreign literature and culture
German literature and culture 1
Spanish Literature and Culture 1
2nd foreign literature and culture
German literature and culture 1
Spanish Literature and Culture 1
2° Year activated in the A.Y. 2016/2017
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
German literature and culture 2
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
German literature and culture 2
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Spanish literature and culture 2
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Spanish literature and culture 2
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
Theory and Techniques of communication
Geography of communication and international trade
Italian literature and culture
Modern and Contemporary Economic History
3° Year activated in the A.Y. 2017/2018
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
Comparative and European Public law
Principles of international marketing
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
1st foreign literature and culture
German literature and culture 1
Spanish Literature and Culture 1
2nd foreign literature and culture
German literature and culture 1
Spanish Literature and Culture 1
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
German literature and culture 2
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
German literature and culture 2
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Spanish literature and culture 2
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Spanish literature and culture 2
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
First language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
Second language foreign literature and culture or a related course
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
Theory and Techniques of communication
Geography of communication and international trade
Italian literature and culture
Modern and Contemporary Economic History
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
Comparative and European Public law
Principles of international marketing
Modules | Credits | TAF | SSD |
Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)
TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.
French language. terminology and translation (2017/2018)
Teaching code
Academic staff
Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)
Semester 2 dal Feb 26, 2018 al Jun 9, 2018.
Learning outcomes
On finishing this course, the student will be able to identify the principles and methods of pragmatic translation and put them into practice to translate authentic texts from Italian into French. Similarly, the student will be able to identify and apply the principles and methods of terminology, in particular conceptual analysis, crafting definitions and choosing equivalents. The fields concerned are those of tourism and international business.
Objectifs du cours
Au terme du cours, l’étudiant devra être en mesure d’identifier les principes et les démarches de la traduction pragmatique et de les mettre en pratique pour traduire en français des textes authentiques de langue italienne. De même, il devra être en mesure d’identifier et d’appliquer les principes et les démarches de la terminologie, notamment l’analyse conceptuelle, la rédaction de définitions et le choix d’équivalents. Les domaines d’application sont ceux du tourisme et du commerce international.
- Translation
o Introducing the theories of translation
o Specificities of pragmatic translation
- Terminology
o Introducing the theories of terminology
o Conceptual analysis
o The definition in translation
o The choice of equivalents
- Methodology (translation and terminology)
o Delimiting a domain
o Documentary research
o Building and using a corpus
The lectures, which will be held in French, will articulate practice with theory. The students will carry out terminology work and translation in the field of museology focusing on Verona heritage.
Reference text:
Scarpa, Federica (2008), La traduzione specializzata: un approccio didattico professionale, Milan, Hoepli.
Recommended reading:
Dubuc, Robert (2002), Manuel pratique de terminologie, Linguatech. Montréal
L’Homme, Marie-Claude (2004), La terminologie, principes et techniques, Presses universitaires de Montréal.
Humbley, John (2009), Présentation. Terminologie : orientations actuelles, Revue française de linguistique appliquée, 14/2, p 5-8.
- Traduction
o Présentation des théories de la traduction
o Spécificités de la traduction pragmatique
- Terminologie
o Présentation des théories de la terminologie
o Analyse conceptuelle
o La définition en terminologie
o Le choix d’équivalents
- Méthodologie (traduction et terminologie)
o Délimitation des domaines
o Recherche documentaire
o Constitution et exploitation de corpus
Le cours, qui se déroulera en français, articulera théorie et pratique : les étudiants réaliseront des travaux de traduction et de terminologie notamment dans le domaine de la muséologie en s’appuyant sur le patrimoine véronais.
Texte de référence :
Scarpa, Federica (2008), La traduzione specializzata: un approccio didattico professionale, Milan, Hoepli.
Textes conseillés :
Dubuc, Robert (2002), Manuel pratique de terminologie, Montréal, Linguatech.
L’Homme, Marie-Claude (2004), La terminologie, principes et techniques, Montréal, Presses universitaires de Montréal.
Humbley, John (2009), Présentation. Terminologie : orientations actuelles, Revue française de linguistique appliquée, 14/2, p 5-8.
Author | Title | Publishing house | Year | ISBN | Notes |
Federica Scarpa | La traduzione specializzata : un approccio didattico professionale | Hoepli | 2008 |
Examination Methods
For students who attend lectures, the assessment will be made up firstly of two assignments of translation and terminology prepared in the student’s own time, and secondly of a final written exam (translation of a text from Italian to French, writing a term record and a commentary).
For students who do not attend lectures, the final exam will consist of an oral test.
LANGUAGE LEVEL REQUIRED: C1 (European Council), 4 (ALTE).
Contrôle des connaissances
Pour les étudiants qui suivent le cours, le contrôle consistera en deux devoirs de traduction et de terminologie (25% de la note globale pour chaque devoir), réalisés en dehors du cours, et en un examen terminal écrit (traduction d’un texte de l’italien en français et confection d’une fiche de terminologie, ainsi qu’un commentaire – 50 % du total).
Pour les étudiants qui ne suivent pas le cours, l’examen terminal prendra la forme d’une épreuve orale sur les thèmes abordés pendant le cours.
Niveau de compétence requis: français C1, 4 (ALTE). Le niveau de compétence sera validé sur la base des attestations du CLA (Centro Linguistico d'Ateneo) ou d'une organisation reconnue par le MIUR.