Training and Research

PhD Programme Courses/classes - 2024/2025

This page shows the PhD course's training activities for the academic year 2024/2025. Further activities will be added during the year. Please check regularly for updates!

Instructions for teachers: lesson management

Synthesis, characterization and applications of luminescent nanostructured materials

Credits: 1

Language: English

Teacher:  Francesco Enrichi

Inibitori e stabilizzatori delle interazioni proteina-proteina

Credits: 0,5

Language: inglese

Teacher:  Francesca Munari

Tecniche di deposizione a film sottile per biomateriali, applicazioni biomediche e energia solare

Credits: 2

Language: English

Teacher:  Alessandro Romeo

Corso pratico: determinazione della struttura delle proteine ​​mediante cristallografia a raggi X

Credits: 1,5

Language: English

Teacher:  Massimiliano Perduca

Tracking nanoparticles in cells and tissues at transmission electron microscopy

Credits: 1

Language: English

Teacher:  Manuela Malatesta

Valutazione del rischio da esposizione a nono materiali

Credits: 1

Language: English

Teacher:  Angela Carta

Inorganic physiology and drug development

Credits: 0,8

Language: English

Teacher:  Chiara Nardon

Chiral lanthanide-based materials for biological and technological applications

Credits: 1

Language: Inglese

Teacher:  Fabio Piccinelli

An introduction to NMR spectroscopy for the study of biomacromolecules

Credits: 1

Language: Inglese

Teacher:  Mariapina D'Onofrio

Application of multimodal imaging techniques in the study of the skeletal muscle

Credits: 0,5

Language: English

Teacher:  Barbara Cisterna

Engineering photosynthesis to enhance productivity

Credits: 1

Language: Italian

Teacher:  Stefano Cazzaniga

Forensic diagnosis of alcohol intoxication and chronic alcohol abuse

Credits: 1

Language: Inglese/italiano

Teacher:  Federica Bortolotti

Forensic Genetics

Credits: 4

Language: Italiano

Teacher:  Stefania Turrina

Luminescent Nanomaterials for theranostics

Credits: 1

Language: Inglese.

Teacher:  Adolfo Speghini

Nanotechnology in medical research: pharmacokinetic of a nanoconstruct

Credits: 1

Language: English

Teacher:  Laura Calderan

Surface Metrology with optical techniques

Credits: 1,5

Language: English

Teacher:  Claudia Daffara

Virtopsy: general aspects and new trends

Credits: 1

Language: english

Teacher:  Francesco Ausania

PhD school courses/classes - 2024/2025

Please note: Additional information will be added during the year. Currently missing information is labelled as “TBD” (i.e. To Be Determined).

1. PhD students must obtain a specified number of CFUs each year by attending teaching activities offered by the PhD School.
First and second year students must obtain 8 CFUs. Teaching activities ex DM 226/2021 provide 5 CFUs; free choice activities provide 3 CFUs.
Third year students must obtain 4 CFUs. Teaching activities ex DM 226/2021 provide 2 CFUs; free choice activities provide 2 CFUs.
More information regarding CFUs is found in the Handbook for PhD Students:

2. Registering for the courses is not required unless explicitly indicated; please consult the course information to verify whether registration is required or not. When registration is actually required, instructions will be sent well in advance. No confirmation e-mail will be sent after signing up. Please do not enquiry: if you entered the requested information, then registration was silently successful.

3. When Zoom links are not explicitly indicated, courses are delivered in presence only.

4. All information we have is published here. Please do not enquiry for missing information or Zoom links: if the information you need is not there, then it means that we don't have it yet. As soon as we get new information, we will promptly publish it on this page.

Summary of training activities

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Linguistic Activities

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Research management and Enhancement

Teaching Activities ex DM 226/2021: Statistics and Computer Sciences

Teaching Activities: Free choice

PhD students

PhD students present in the:
Course lessons
PhD Schools lessons


Guidelines for PhD students

Below you will find the files that contain the Guidelines for PhD students and rules for the acquisition of ECTS credits (in Italian: "CFU") for the Academic Year 2023/2024.


Title Info File
File pdf Dottorandi: linee guida generali (2023/2024) pdf, it, 111 KB, 26/02/24
File pdf PhD students: general guidelines (2023/2024) pdf, en, 127 KB, 26/02/24