Studying at the University of Verona

Here you can find information on the organisational aspects of the Programme, lecture timetables, learning activities and useful contact details for your time at the University, from enrolment to graduation.

The Study Plan includes all modules, teaching and learning activities that each student will need to undertake during their time at the University.
Please select your Study Plan based on your enrollment year.


1° Year 


2° Year   activated in the A.Y. 2018/2019

activated in the A.Y. 2018/2019
Modules Credits TAF SSD
Between the years: 1°- 2°- 3°

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

TAF (Type of Educational Activity) All courses and activities are classified into different types of educational activities, indicated by a letter.

S Placements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Teaching code





Arturo Larcati



Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD)


The teaching is organized as follows:

Parte 2




Semester 2

Parte 1




Semester 2

Academic staff

Arturo Larcati

Learning outcomes

MM: Parte 1
This course’s aim is to offer an introduction to the German Language Literature of the twentieth-century. The student shall be able to understand and explain the texts which will be given during the lessons, to comment both their subjects and their aesthetical style, to situate them in the historical, cultural and literary context of the German twentieth-century.
MM: Parte 2
This course’s aim is to offer an introduction to the German Language Literature of the twentieth-century. The student shall be able to understand and explain the texts which will be given during the lessons, to comment both their subjects and their aesthetical style, to situate them in the historical, cultural and literary context of the German twentieth-century.


------------------------ MM: Parte 1 ------------------------ The course will be divided in two modules. In the first Arturo Larcati will analyse lo development of the German Lyric during the twentieth-century, from Symbolism to the second postwar period. This second section will also concern some of the most relevant turning points of the German Drama of the twentieth-century – the so called Exile-Theatre, the Drama of the postwar period etc. Expecialy the following themes will be discussed: Nazism, the debate around the comparison with the recent past, the common guilt etc. In the second Fabio Antonio Scrignoli will analyse the work of two the most important German writers of the twentieth-century: Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka. In the second module the professor The canonical classroom-taught lesson will be the chosen didactic modality, and it will be held in Italian Language. The bibliography will also be entirely in Italian, both the monographs and the Literaturgeschichte. Narrative: Thomas Mann: La Morte a Venezia (Marsilio 2009) Franz Kafka: La metamorfosi, Relazione per un'accademia, Giuseppina la cantante ossia il popolo dei topi (in: “Tutti i racconti”, Mondadori 1998) Lyric: Selection of poems by Hugo von Hofmannsthal, expressionist poets, Gottfried Benn, Bertolt Brecht, Paul Celan, Ingeborg Bachmann Drama: Bertolt Brecht, L’opera da tre soldi (Einaudi 1963) Peter Weiss, L’istruttoria (Einaudi 1989) Lecture notes and further useful materials will be uploaded on the Elearning digital platform. Suggested Literary History Manuals (for the sections regarding the twentieth-century): Marino Freschi, La Letteratura Tedesca, Il Mulino, Bologna 2008; Anton Reininger, Letteratura Tedesca fra l’Illuminismo e il Postmoderno 1700-2000, Torino Rosenberg & Sellier 2005. ------------------------ MM: Parte 2 ------------------------ The course will be divided in two modules. In the first the professor Fabio Antonio Scrignoli will analyse the work of two the most important German writers of the twentieth-century: Thomas Mann and Franz Kafka. In the second module the professor will analyse lo development of the German Lyric during the twentieth-century, from Symbolism to the second postwar period. This second section will also concern some of the most relevant turning points of the German Drama of the twentieth-century – the so called Exile-Theatre, the Drama of the postwar period etc. Expecialy the following themes will be discussed: Nazism, the debate around the comparison with the recent past, the common guilt etc. The canonical classroom-taught lesson will be the chosen didactic modality, and it will be held in Italian Language. The bibliography will also be entirely in Italian, both the monographs and the Literaturgeschichte.


Reference texts
Activity Author Title Publishing house Year ISBN Notes
Parte 2 Marino Freschi La Letteratura Tedesca Il Mulino 2008 978-88-15-11998-8
Parte 2 Franz Kafka La metamorfosi, in "Tutti i racconti" Mondadori 1998
Parte 2 Thomas Mann La Morte a Venezia Marsilio 2009
Parte 2 Hermann Hesse Siddharta Adelphi 1985
Parte 1 Weiss, Peter L'istruttoria Einaudi 1989
Parte 1 Brecht, Bertolt L'opera da tre soldi Einaudi 1963

Examination Methods

MM: Parte 1
The exam will be verbal and will be held in Italian. The knowledge of some German texts ill be tested, and these will be given during the course and analysed together in class. The students that won’t attend the course are kindly requested to contact the professor, in order to plan a specific programme in details. Further lectures for not-attending students: Alfred Döblin, Berlin Alexanderplatz; Stefan Zweig, La novella degli scacchi, Alfred Andersch, Sansibar o l’ultimo perché; Max Frisch, Homo faber, Bertolt Brecht, L’anima buona di Sezuan; Christa Wolf, Il cielo diviso.
MM: Parte 2
The exam will be verbal and will be held in Italian. The knowledge of some German texts ill be tested, and these will be given during the course and analysed together in class. The students that won’t attend the course are kindly requested to contact the professor, in order to plan a specific programme in details. Further lectures for not-attending students: Alfred Döblin, Berlin Alexanderplatz; Stefan Zweig, La novella degli scacchi, Alfred Andersch, Sansibar o l’ultimo perché; Max Frisch, Homo faber, Bertolt Brecht, L’anima buona di Sezuan; Christa Wolf, Il cielo diviso.

Students with disabilities or specific learning disorders (SLD), who intend to request the adaptation of the exam, must follow the instructions given HERE